I am not ready for the cooler days or the cold days

and snow, have more that needs getting done.
and the water freezing up.
Over the past week or so the temps have actually been pretty nice
here. There has been a cooler breeze blowing every day and
the humidity has not been so bad.
Last winter was the type we haven't had in years. Snowed 3 times
and it sleeted several more times. I myself was not ready for winter
to end. My girls are loving these cooler days.They started laying
regular again and now have a few new layers.
It was warm today but not too hot. A little humid. At least it's more like normal and not that oppressive heat and humidity we've had all summer. I've been here in Central NC for 23 years now and this has been the worst year without a doubt. It was cold and wet, especially wet all winter and spring. Then it went directly into summer and all the heat and humidity. From the first of June to today we've probably had more 90 degree days than any year on record. Just plain miserable. Yeah, I'm ready for fall. I just hope it's a long slow one and we have winter in December and January like we should.
I'm ready for the fall weather also! 2 things!! I carry to much insulation for the summer time, I tolerate the fall and winter weather much better, and if it were fall, my chickens would be laying! They're 4 months old now and I can't wait!!!
I am ready for fall. After Tuesday here it is supposed to be in the 70s, Yay!

Right now its about 90.
Hi Everybody! I am SO READY FOR FALL! Last week, here in Ohio, it was just lovely with temps in the 70s and the evenings cooled off so nicely that we actually got to turn off the a/c and open some windows. We haven't had much rain though--our grass is like straw, and our garden is dead.

Now this week, back in the upper 80s and lower 90s--hot and humid once again. This is forcasted for the entire week. UGH. It's like Ma'Nature teased us last week.

We do have leaves on the ground and the trees are beginning to change color.....Oh, fall can't come quickly enough for me!
please bring fall back. It was so hot today I bought a Snickers bar and opened it 5 minute later. It had gone soft.
I laid in my bed for an hour I was so winded from that heat.


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