Whose YOUR favorite chicken?

My favorite gal is Askew. She is a March 23 2011 hatch from Cackle. She is a Jersey Giant and from a very young age she has always been a unique gal.She a friendly chicken and loves to come talk to me. Although she is not SOP, with her light-colored eyes and small stature, she will always be a winner to me.








She is an RIR and was my first hen, got her at 6weeks old and she is now 2 1/2. She lays a BIG egg for a bantam, talks to me quietly, follows me everywhere, jumps for treats and defends the flock like a roo!

This is her "TREATS?!" face I get whenever I look at her lol

Well, my favorite was a RIR and he passed on 2 days ago. Was a cocky little guy who knew his name and came when called and loved cheetos! I would have to say my runner up in the fave category would probably be Swayze!



Swayze is an oversized Serama.

This is Melow
Breed: Cream Legbar
Age: 20-24 weeks (no eggs
She is my favouraite because shes no tame, she sits on my knee, she follows me around for food when the others peck her and i point things out to her and she gets them, shes so sweet

Ginger a one year old BO. Just the sweetest thing imaginable.

Unfortunately, she's going through her first moult now and no longer comes when I call her. I have to entice her up to me w/ meal worms. And she won't let me pick her up. I can't wait for her to finish moulting. I want my precious hen back.
Are you sure that Lucy is not half hawk?

Pretty huh?

She was in the bin marked Ameraucauna. The people of this forum made me realize that she is probably a cross of some type, because the Au's are often not pure, but really just easter eggers. It is not a problem. I love her whatever her breed is.​
This is my favorite!
Ying-Yang or The Rooster
Age is 6 months old
White crested Polish
He is my favorite because he is cute and sweet and he follows me like a puppy and lets me love on him all the time I carry him(when the hens aren't looking) everywhere!! He is the sweetest boy ever!! I can't imagine chicken life without him!!!!
This is Dakota. She is a black silkie pullet. She will be six months as of October 29th, 2011. She is my favorite because she is always there. She knows when I'm sad. She knows when I'm happy. Heck shes the smartest chicken! Actually she is dumber then a peanut! She is also a lap chicken. I'm trying to confront my mother to get me a chicken diaper so she can come inside more often so I don't have to clean the chicken poop.



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