Why are people so weird?

My flock is growing "alot" so feed is going to go through the roof, I've stated already that I will be selling my eggs to support their eating habit..lol, I'm planning on asking 2.50 for medium's and 3.00/3.50 for large/ex large, then offer a discount if they bring me a egg carton for exchange, I have several that save their cartons for me, while they don't ask for them, I'll take them a dozen or so eggs. I'll have hatching eggs as well that I will be looking to sell. Maybe even hatching for people and selling the chicks. I've presently got 39 chickens, mainly hens and will be adding more come the end of the month, both full grown and chicks.
I think the Bible says something like, They shall be worse in the end than the beginning. But it's like everyone I come in contact with is Possessed! I can't give eggs away, neighbors will not open there door but I can here them inside scurrying around hiding. My Sister took Dad around to his banks & had him withdrawal all money before he died. Stole $300,000 & I can't do a dam thing about it. I could go on & on.
I give my eggs away for free. The nice lady across the street brought over beautiful flowers one day. The other person I give mine away to is the couple who drive my mother to Temple on Friday nights. My wonderful yard guy always gets one or 2 dozen every two weeks. My boss gets a dozen every once in a while. Especially before review time.
I normally get my cartons back, but once ran out and bought a case. The next day everyone seemed to remember to bring back my cartons! It's been almost a year and I have only used a few cartons from that case! I now have at least 100 extra eggs cartons.
It sounds much nicer to offer a "discount" for returning a carton than an extra charge. Charge 50 cents or a dollar more than you have been for all eggs and give "discounts" if you don't have to supply the carton. Promote what makes your eggs special - pasture raised, special feed, no antibiotics, special colors- whatever. You will gradually find customers who appreciate what makes yours unique. It's a losing proposition to try to compete on price.
I’ve always given eggs away to family as they usually help out so much in other ways. Occasionally I will for friends too as at times we have just had way too many. But now with the new flock and 15 birds to feed I’ll be ‘suggesting’ to family that they buy a bag of food every once in a while. That’s half the reason I increased the flock size. We’ve got 3 sets of parents between my wife and I and we see them all multiple times a week so they’ll be able to pick up a dozen eggs a week type thing. If they all come through with buying a bag of food every 5-6 weeks we shouldn’t have to buy any ourselves.
Why do people you know (friends/family) expect their eggs for FREE??

Maybe I'm the only one with the problem, but I've had several people (people who I do work business with, siblings) just want eggs for free. Don't even offer me any money. My fault for allowing it a couple times. I don't anymore - but WHY??

I had somebody just hand me a carton this morning wanting eggs. She didn't give me any $$, maybe (hopefully) she will have some when she comes back to get them.

Also, I ask clients to return my cartons, I even have a stamp inside that says "Please return carton", have I gotten any back? Nope. I have a family who buys 3 dozen a week and has 6 of my empty egg cartons. Next time she wants some, I will be reminding her I need those cartons back. Never would've thought I'd have any issues!

Okay, rant over :)
Why do people you know (friends/family) expect their eggs for FREE??

Maybe I'm the only one with the problem, but I've had several people (people who I do work business with, siblings) just want eggs for free. Don't even offer me any money. My fault for allowing it a couple times. I don't anymore - but WHY??

I had somebody just hand me a carton this morning wanting eggs. She didn't give me any $$, maybe (hopefully) she will have some when she comes back to get them.

Also, I ask clients to return my cartons, I even have a stamp inside that says "Please return carton", have I gotten any back? Nope. I have a family who buys 3 dozen a week and has 6 of my empty egg cartons. Next time she wants some, I will be reminding her I need those cartons back. Never would've thought I'd have any issues!

Okay, rant over :)
I fully understand your situation. Our sons live in our homes on our property and help keep the farm up and running so they're not required to pay for eggs. I've taken eggs to a neighbor across the road from us when I found their chickens died. I told the lady that we get quite a few eggs a day and would like to sell some for a minimal price, about $2 a dozen to help pay for feed and labor. They are free range but we still feed them a lay crumbles and oyster shell. They have a lot of friends come and go but never anyone looking to buy brown free range eggs. My gosh, they sell for $4-6 a dozen in the stores. Maybe I should just put a sign out, "Free Eggs", lol!
Why do people you know (friends/family) expect their eggs for FREE??

Maybe I'm the only one with the problem, but I've had several people (people who I do work business with, siblings) just want eggs for free. Don't even offer me any money. My fault for allowing it a couple times. I don't anymore - but WHY??

I had somebody just hand me a carton this morning wanting eggs. She didn't give me any $$, maybe (hopefully) she will have some when she comes back to get them.

Also, I ask clients to return my cartons, I even have a stamp inside that says "Please return carton", have I gotten any back? Nope. I have a family who buys 3 dozen a week and has 6 of my empty egg cartons. Next time she wants some, I will be reminding her I need those cartons back. Never would've thought I'd have any issues!

Okay, rant over :)
I have the same problem. From my own mother! But, after explaining to her how much it cost to feed the chickens, because I am 100% organic and the feed is way more expensive, she is finally paying the $5 per dozen. Everyone else that I sell to is very good about paying and returning my cartons if I ask for them. If you explain to them how much it cost to keep chickens, maybe they will be more willing to pay.
Why do people you know (friends/family) expect their eggs for FREE??

Maybe I'm the only one with the problem, but I've had several people (people who I do work business with, siblings) just want eggs for free. Don't even offer me any money. My fault for allowing it a couple times. I don't anymore - but WHY??

I had somebody just hand me a carton this morning wanting eggs. She didn't give me any $$, maybe (hopefully) she will have some when she comes back to get them.

Also, I ask clients to return my cartons, I even have a stamp inside that says "Please return carton", have I gotten any back? Nope. I have a family who buys 3 dozen a week and has 6 of my empty egg cartons. Next time she wants some, I will be reminding her I need those cartons back. Never would've thought I'd have any issues!

Okay, rant over :)

I'm thinking of charging .50 less if they bring their own carton as an incentive/ charge .50 more if they don't (however you want to think about it ). I hope it works! Has anyone tried that?

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