Why aren't my 6 monthers laying?


Blessed be the Name of God
Sep 12, 2021
My Coop
My Coop
I bought an order from Murray McMurray hatchery that came in mid- May the breeds included 1 buff orp, 2 barred rocks, 5 silver laced wyandottes and 6 EEs. So anyway I've been reading many posts saying "My 5 month old pullet is laying!". And not any of mine are laying yet (except the BRs) What could I be doing wrong?


You are not doing anything wrong. Some are later maturing breeds, and the shortening day light period is impacting them and slowing the onset of laying.
There isn't enough light to encourage it naturally anymore. Most of my pullets didn't laythisnyear, amd they're mostly between 6 and 7 months now
Ok, thanks.
But do you think they will lay this year?
I was thinking the same thing... I've got 13 pullets hatched in July/Aug and I'm not expecting them to start laying until spring. (3 Buff Orp's, 5 Brahmas, 2 EE's, 1 Amerucana, 1 Silkie, and 1 mixed breed.)

I'm kinda glad nobody is laying right now, winters get so cold we end up with frozen eggs if we don't check 2-3 times a day! 😂

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