Why Aren't My Chickens Laying? Here Are Your Answers!

Thank you so much!!! I LOVE the site!!!!
Here's an idea that I use to help the girls out. We have a tree lined drainway that runs through our property. It's called a non navicable waterway as about once evey few years there is water in it for a day or two. Anyway it's always very cool down in there. My son has a swing hanging from one of the trees down there. So we built some wooden nest boxes and put them up on some of the trees that have laid down over the years. I put some latticework in front wedged up against another tree. It's much cooler hanging out under the brush and the girls appreciate the privacy. You would never know we have over 100 chickens roaming around this time of year as they are hanging out where it's much more comfortable. We even pastured the horses in there for a few days and they tore up the soil pretty good as heavy animals will, so now the chickens can get right down into the dirt. Our egg production only ever drops off for the ones that insist on going into the coop to lay. The rest of the girls just keep on doing what they do. Keeping them cool and comfortable is very inportant to us. I'm also not adverse to running the hose down there to create a running stream. They get the eggs all muddy, but they have a grand ol time digging for treasure. At night when they go in they have fans to plunk down in front of. The only one that wants to stay out is the Silver Spangled Hamburg. Every night we get to play the chicken version of where's Waldo. Can't say I blame her it is much cooler down under the trees. So if you have a cooler spot and your girls are insisting on paying their way try putting a nest box where they will feel more comfortable. We currently are getting 40 to 43 eggs a day from the older 52 layers. From the young girls just begining to lay we get 7 from 21, but they are just starting and some eggs are peewee. One other thing we do is feed in the late evening and provide food and water down in the ditch. Water tends to heat up in the sun and if the water is wamer than body temp the girls won't drink it. No water equals no eggs. That's the other reason for running the hose in the drainway. They love the cool water!
Just remember as I myself realised...chickens are a GOD given earth bound laying dientiy...they will lay when they r rdy...just go with flow..if not u will upset the flow and upset ther laying too...They know when you r upset too.... I mean you r in their life every day too...... Just go with it.. When it happens it happens....it is LIFE... That is what I FINALLY learned.....It's not up to me....they do what they do on their own schedule...not mine...has been that way will always will be...LOL...I have 4 Should be laying----but whoes terms????? so I wait...they willl get here...if not so well...that is what I took on...that's on me....still love them and my responsibility...not my "girls"...So "LIVE AND LET LIVE".... Just my feelings....and two cents...
One egg a day. 50 pounds of feed every 2 weeks and 7 eggs. I am sooooo dissappointed in my girls. I think I'm gonna go down there with the stock pot and a wooden spoon. "Here chicky chicky"
I heard this might work, so I tried it on Syndney who hasn't laid an egg the whole time we've had her which is over a year. I had about 70 chickens come flying out of all the places they hide during this heat. They thought I had food for them. Sydney included. Oh well guess she's just gonna be one cool looking fat ladies roaming around the property. She doesn't even acknowledge the fact that there are nest boxes everywhere. I don't think she has even looked into them. I'm sure the previous owner lied about her age. Oh well that's what you get when you buy "poults" off of CraigsList. I will always start my own now so I know their real age, and in the proces I have much sweeter chickens.
Thanks for the article! My Reds are 20 weeks old (as of yesterday) and I am impatiently awaiting my first egg

I guess a little more patience won't hurt!
2 eggs today....one from a new layer. The silkie I suspect, cuz it was very small , like when my D'uccles started to lay. Life is looking up.
OKAY! I get it. I really do get the point. So they aren't vending machines ... but JEEZ' LOUISE ...
18 hens ... 6 are 18 weeks old (neighbor got his from same batch ... they're laying now)
6 are 1 year olds
3 are several years old (one lays well when she's not broody)
3 are big sumo wrestler, feed waster, coop insulators that retired from the egg business. (they have life-long residency)
So, I have cleaned, I have bug dusted, I have quality feed and grit ...

I am going to keep them in their pen for about a week and see if they are hiding them while free ranging.
They can clench their little hynies all they want but sooner or later that dang egg is going to come out.
If the egg numbers suddenly rise I'll know what the problem was.
If not, I'm going to go out there and squeeze the @%^$&#*$& eggs out of them.
I feel the same way. 30 Chickens ranging from 3 months to 2 years. With at least 15 layers in the bunch. Up until last week was doing great!!! This past week, 1 to 3 or 4 a day..

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