Why aren't my hens laying yet!


7 Years
Jan 6, 2013
Southern Michigan
I have several breeds that started laying at 4 1/2 months to 6 months but my barred rocks haven't laid yet and my New Hampshires laid a few pullet eggs a month ago but haven't laid since. I don't know why they didn't continue laying; they're 6 months old.
Are they squatting? Do they have red combs?
What are you feeding them? Layer feed?
Might just need some time.

My barred rocks were born in February and started laying around late September/Early October if I remember correctly.
I guess they just aren't ready. Give them time, based on behavior they appear to be close.
Hows the comb color? My mature BRs have large very bright red wattles and combs.
They do free range. I can never tell with red combs; to me all my hens' combs don't look overly red, including the ones that are laying. My BR hens have tiny combs.
Yea what JB said. I feed my girls 18 percent layers, because my 5 girls have 500 square feet of grazing and they don't like earthworms or caterpillars.
Got my first egg today on their 4 month birthday. GC
If they free range and get layer feed, they may not be getting enough protein.
Ditto Dat^^^

Free range birds sometimes need to be 'trained'(or re-trained) to lay in the coop nests, especially new layers. Leaving them locked in the coop for 3-4 days can help 'home' them to lay in the coop nests. Fake eggs/golf balls in the nests can help 'show' them were to lay. They can be confined to coop 24/7 for a few days to a week, or confine them at least until mid to late afternoon. You help them create a new habit and they will usually stick with it. ..at least for a good while, then repeat as necessary.

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