Why aren't they laying ?


Apr 9, 2018
Jacksonville, Florida
I have 8 laying hens, except they are not laying. I'm only getting 2-3 eggs a day. I know that they slow down in the winter, but we are still in the 90s. So do they slow down by calendar, or by temp? If by temp, why aren't they laying?:
It has more to do with number of daylight hours. Need 14-16 hours per day to stimulate the pineal gland to produce hormones that initiate laying. Also molting will stop laying. Right now I am at 12 hours of daylight and my chickens are not laying. You can add a couple of hours of artificial light in the am before day break but I do not because I follow the natural process which is healthier for the hens. They do not have enough stores for both molting and laying so laying stops. You just have to wait till laying picks up again.
I have 8 laying hens, except they are not laying. I'm only getting 2-3 eggs a day. I know that they slow down in the winter, but we are still in the 90s. So do they slow down by calendar, or by temp? If by temp, why aren't they laying?:
Goes by the calendar of the sun.
How old are your birds?
Different ages, 4-8 mth, 2-2yr, 2-6 mth. I have light in coop, comes on 6:30am goes off 8:30 pm. They are in the run all day, but able to go in and out
How long have you been running this light?
Did you use it last winter too?
I will assume that it is bright enough.
Your older birds may still go to molt despite the light.
Am curious, do they go to roost when it starts getting dark outside even with the light on in the coop?
How long have you been running this light?
Did you use it last winter too?
I will assume that it is bright enough.
Your older birds may still go to molt despite the light.
Am curious, do they go to roost when it starts getting dark outside even with the light on in the coop?
The only ones I had last winter were in the brooder. The older ones were given to me. I have had the light in there since day one. And yes when it gets dark they go in,

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