Why breeding two frizzles together is BAD! (nekkid chicken pics! EEEK)

He should still feather in with time. I have a roo named "Baldy" b/c he went through the same thing and he is gorgeous now! He was from a breeder who didn't even own a frizzle roo, so no possibility of a double dose...he was just slow to feather. On the up side, if he does have a double dose he'll produce 100% frizzled offspring when crossed to smooth hens.

Baldy at 8 wks:

Baldy now (obviously my camera dates are off):
some frizzle are slow to feather out, I raise standard Cochin frizzle. I have one frizzle roo with plain Standard hen that's no frizzle gene at all. The roo I have daddy was frizzle and mom was a plain standard Cochin, put I have had one or two that took longer to feather out. But do get there frizzle feather and look great.

Edit to say there is no chance of any of my birds have a double dose
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I am out in the desert, so you could easily keep the meaties warm... You would only have to worry about sunburn, like with dalmations.

That is a very pretty frizzle.
Chickenpiedpiper, I commend you in your tactful tactics with the hatchery. They made a mistake, and instead of playing the victim, you educated them and helped them with their business. Yes, they could have been more carefull, but even those of us who are our own bosses know that we work for idiots sometimes. And not revealing who the hatchery is shows remarkable self- control and empathy. If this is how you live your life, you have VERY lucky friends!
You are a brave person. I would not be able to watch a naked chicken walking around live. It reminds me too much of whats in the fridge. I have no problem processing chickens, but those are not my pets.
If you look closely at the first photo, at the bottom, middle. You will see the end of a curly feather lying there. They are all over the cage. They just seem to break off! There is NO feather picking. I do know the difference.

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