Why Can't We Have Ordinances to Control Cats? Please?

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ChickINDelight - that snap of your cat and chicken breaking bread together is precious.

As for the direction this thread seems to be heading...
I agree, but I will add that this incident shows that you cannot count on people being responsible, and besides people's roaming pets, there are other predators that don't respect property lines that will take advantage of any weakness in your defenses.

Should people keep thier pets contained? Absolutely! Can you count on them to do so? Nope! So build your pens like you expect a bear to attack it, because if there is one thing you can count on, it is other people not being responsible for their pets. Oh, and also that racoons are a really determined predator, and sooner or later they will come for your birds. Be like a boy scout, and "be prepared".
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This comment has already been made. This was the only pen that was not daytime predator safe, due to that one roof panel that is now fixed. All my animals are locked in secure coops in the evening, when a raccoon might come by and the goats are locked up and not able to scare it off. i'm not about to thank that cat for falling into my pen. She isn't a wild animal going after food. She is someone's neglected pet who shouldn't be climbing all over my pens and pestering my birds.

And frankly, your comments are not helpful at all. You are being condescending with such statements as "the op's so called fortress". If you are here just to stir the pot and rile things up, please move along. There are some interesting and helpful comments on this thread and i don't want it getting shut down because of one troll.

I really don't think anybody was "trolling".Everyone has the right to speak.There is no reason to be so rude just because someone did not agree with you.I am sure no one was trying to offend you.Maybe we could allow each and everyone to have an opinion of their own?
I agree, but I will add that this incident shows that you cannot count on people being responsible, and besides people's roaming pets, there are other predators that don't respect property lines that will take advantage of any weakness in your defenses.

Should people keep thier pets contained? Absoulutely? Can you count on them to do so? Nope! So build your pens like you expect a bear to attack it, because if there is one thing you can count on, it is other people not being responsible for their pets. Oh, and also that racoons are a really determined predator, and sooner or later they will come for your birds. Be like a boy scout, and "be prepared".

Indeed also very true....

You can always hopefully remain one step ahead of the irresponsible by being a more responsible livestock owner and scout
Trully, the debate of restraining pet cats is nowhere near closure.

My friend and I debate endlessly. She insists that the best way to keep her suburban cats is indoors so they can be healthier and live longer.

I insist all my country animals have the choice to go in and out-of-doors because a short life of freedom is better than a long life imprisoned. Cats are very easy to replace.

In short, we all raise our animals according to our own values. We must all accept and adapt.

I have recently forbidden a neighbor boy from coming into my yard. Recently, after sitting with me for quite some time inside my fenced backyard, he started encouraging his leashed Labrador to become excited over my chickens and ducks. We discussed this for awhile, and I pointed out that he would not want the dog to dismantle his own flock, nor is it good for the dog that already lives a life of confinement because he is not properly socialized or exercised. On the way out of my yard, the boy tromped through my gardens, chasing my ducks out into the driveway, where the boy continued encouraging the dog to chase my ducks until the dog got a mouthful of one of my Pekins.

The next day, the father called to attack me in defense his son who has begun training the dog to ruthelssly kill Canadian Geese.

The next day, the loose Lab came over to chase the ducks again. I had to "bad dog" the poor Lab and send him home. The dog had previously been socialized with all my birds and never before posed a threat.

The moral of this story is that we have the same problem - the human neighbors. Presently, my neighbors are upsetting themselves to no end in country-fued style silliness. While I find intentional cruelty to my pets (and mistreatment of the Lab) a great horror, I am trying to remain calm (or at least appear calm). What we resist persists. Sometimes, it is best to stop fighting and try cooperation. Have you tried getting those visiting cats and your birds on friendly terms somehow?
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ok sorry i came off that way its just that a coon will come during the day also and waddle itself up there they sqat on my fence in the morning alll the time

i understand u have cats indoors cats are very territoral once they are fixed and have set territory around ur house no other cats will come cause the current ones will attack them someone else said i am just backing that up

and i bring in my day old chicks to live with the cats in their cat room where the cats go to feed and sleep wheenver they feel (cat door) there is no cover on it just a box full of chicks i have been doing that for years never once lost a baby to a cat once a cat is imprinted on a chick and taught never to kill them just like dogs they will ignore chicks, cats will learn fast just like dogs what is part of the family and what is fair game. If you have a flock of chickens and a wild bird is in that flock (grouse) u will see your cat will rush in and go after the wild bird iv te sen that many times. M ycats havecaught a few grouse that try to mingle with their chickens. Ive also seen chickens steal mice from cats and vice versa.

yes cats live longer lives inside but cats like dogs are first i feel a working animal other then a couple of grouse never seen my cat with a bird though they are too fast by far
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i love that saying, ChickInDelight - "What we resist persists." So true.

i'm not sure i want my birds getting comfortable with a cat around, as they can't tell which one may be friendly and which one will try to eat them. And i really do like that one cat and was letting her be in our front yard, and gently scooting her off when she became a pest in the back. i did also once squirt her with the water hose when i found her sleeping on top of one of the pens. But dang it if she doesn't just keep coming back.
Well, thank you. i did feel attacked by that one point, that had already been made several times. Then the suggestion that not having a cat around meant being swarmed by rodents. i see now you are just trying to be helpful.
Im not a cat owner but you wouldnt know it cuz of all the cats in my yard. They arent pooping in thier own yards, heck no! Im so sick of finding cat poop in my garden, im thinking about bagging it and dropping it off at my neighbors house that owns at least 5 cats. But ill tell ya, im seriously thinking of going to wal-mart for one of those air guns. Might be just the thing to deter any cats from dropping by for a poop in my garden.
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