Why did you get your first chickens?

Thank you so much for all the good vibes, my new chicken friends! That's another thing I noticed, it just so happens that I not only am I loving falling in love with chickens, but I found out I tend to relate well to other chicken enthusiasts. They always seem to be unique characters. Has someone coined the phrase Zen of Chickens? Someone should! It seems to be a whole lifestyle.. I think I'm gonna call my farm Second Chance Ranch. If my landlord gives me the green light. I dropped an extremely adorable request in his mailbox, so sweet nobody could turn it down, and I even sealed it with a sticker I had of a chicken in a heart. Cross your fingers for me.
I just want to add a detail about some chicken planning shennanigans. My dad's related or friends with three people who have chicken coops, only one in current use. We wanted to go see some live examples (as phase two of our planning to build mine). He got approval to stop in some time, but he knows I have bad social anxiety. So this past Sunday he said, let's go hit up all three coops while everyone's at church! It wasn't really a crime, but there was a thrilling resemblance. May the chicken insurrection continue. If you like strange music, look up the youtube "Gary Forney chicken insurrection."
I I chase mine. They were growing wild.My friend lives in the country. I visited one Sunday and there were chickens all around her house.
They were already loaded with fertile eggs. After a while there were chicks.
It all started for us when my wife said she wanted one of those roosters like what was on the Flakes Cereal box and that popular one you always see in rooster-style decorations. After much research (and eventually running into BYC and becoming a member) we found it to be the Welsummer Rooster. I wanted to have chickens as well for egg purposes, and we both decided lets get some. We also came up with the idea that it would be a fun and educating responsibility for our children as well. We currently have 14 chicks in all including Ameraucana, Rhode Island Red, Barred Plymouth Rock, Black, Yellow, and Golden Sex Link, and of course our Welsummer Rooster. They are 2 - 3 weeks of age in the brooder and by God's grace we haven't lost any. We already have a coop and run built for them which is nearly complete, just a few minor details to do. We each never would have thought in a million years either of us would be raising chickens and having a good size garden to boot (a backyard farm for sure), as my wife is from L.A., CA and I'm from middle of Kansas. But here we are, not knowing entirely what we've got ourselves into, but with hope and prayer it will turn out to be one of the best investments we've ever decided to be involved with as well as our children.
I got my first chicks last year when my sister-in-law gave me 2 chicks for Easter at first I thought they were cute but was not sure what i would do with em. well now a year later I have chicken fever I love em and have built a 10x12 chicken house & yard and have currently 12 hens 1 rooster & 14 chicks they are so fun & have great eggs. I'm sure my chicken flock will keep growing & growing so it's all my sister-in-laws fault! I have a chicken obsession!

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