Why do all the chickens cram themselves into the corner?

I have 5 surviving silkies going on 7 month's old they basicly right now have a Posh 2 room coop with ton's of nest boxes.They were some of my first out this spring and they got my old frizzle cochin house which has board floor on one half with Way too many nest boxes and the other half is concrete.But Everynight for the last 3 month's they just all huddle in a corner together.It's hot here right now and I had hay on that whole side when I first put them in there I know silk's dont really roost and cleanup this week so just going to put a heap of pine shaving's for them.My other coop I gotta watch when I go in there lol OEGB roost in rafter's I run for the water's and feeder's until they all decide to go out or i get a present on head. lol.I have some that like to roost high and other's like floor or and low box huddled.
Mine do that too... But on the roost. The top roost bar is actually more like a roost shelf... It's about 12" wide and butts right up to the wall. At night they all jump up there, cram into the corner, and fall fast asleep. If it weren't July I'd say maybe it's a temp problem but I think the girls just love each other
Mine do that too... But on the roost. The top roost bar is actually more like a roost shelf... It's about 12" wide and butts right up to the wall. At night they all jump up there, cram into the corner, and fall fast asleep. If it weren't July I'd say maybe it's a temp problem but I think the girls just love each other

Haha, mine do the exact same thing! Our coop was converted from an old shed. They use the roosting bars to get up to my plywood shelf near the roof. At first I would sneak back in and put them on the roosting bars, but then I realized how easy it is to clean the poo each morning from the shelf so I've let it go.

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