Why do chickens Roar?


And so true.
If it is the sound I think you're talking about, it's a warning call, esp. when something flew over.
One way to make mine do it is pickup a hen and when she flaps her wings that flapping noise makes all the roosters go ROOOOAR. Or GROOOOWWWL.
Oh I love the t-rex noise. Chickens are the closest living relative to the t-rex, after all. Mine seem to do it when something isn't right, either a hawk flies over, or I relocate a nesting hen, or get to close to something I shouldn't. I would have to agree with it being a warning call or defensive sound.
Does it kinda sound like this? errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
It's a sound that some kinda danger is around. Mine will make that noise if they see a shadow fly over the coop and will stand real still and make that noise. My best friend that works at a vet has some Emu's and when a large plane fly's over the male starts flopping around and kicking around like crazy It's sooo funny:weee He's trying to protect the eggs,but we have had lots of fun over there. It reminds me of a huge killdeer. Most of all I love the huge eggs and the color is so pretty oh and the babies:(

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