Why do folks raise quail? Just wondering ...

I think SOME people release them to up the population. You must have to really be into it or something. Seems like an expense to buy and release.
I raise mine for meat - they require less space, have a more efficient meat:feed conversion than chickens, easier to kill and dress and are mostly white meat.
that requires a permit in almost every state so yes those are some dedicated hunters

MOST of us on here do not release our quails. Most of us on here, also, have coturnix quails (most not all) which are just miniature chickens in comparision so one could ask... why do you raise chickens? LOL! Coturnix quails lay quicker (in age) than chickens do,, and only take 6-8 weeks to mature.... and then you can cull them and eat them, and since they mature so fast they lay eggs fast and you can produce MANY generations in one warm season.... so before you knwo it your freezers full and your meat chickens arent even ready to slaughter yet.

Plus they're cute, and come in SEVERAL color varieties and if you're a genetic FREAK like me..they are perfect.
monarc23 --- many thanks for the info. I think I may have to check out these little cuties ---- oh, heck, I'll probably end up loving those too! Seems like once you own fowl, ya gotta try 'em all.


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