Why do Hens hide eggs?


In the Brooder
10 Years
May 21, 2009
Hi, fairly new to all this so please forgive me, I cleaned out the chicken coop and found 3 "hidden" eggs. Not knowing how long they were there I disposed of them. Why do some chickens do this? I hadn't had this with my old Chickens.(old breeds: BO, RIR, LH, and Aracauna(sp)). New Chickens are: Cherry eggers and Golden Comets.


from Sweet Home Alabama

To answer your question a hen is planning on hatching her eggs so they will hide them in a place they feel to be safe for them while they will be sitting on them.

How many nest boxes to the amount of hens do you have? This could pose a problem for the hen if the nest boxes are being used when she feels the need for it.

I have found that a hen is gonna do what a hen wants to do. Hope this helps and I'm sure others will be helpfull with more answers.

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BTW I would love to see pics of your cherry eggers. I don't beleive I have ever seen any.
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I have 2 "nest boxes" and 7 hens(?)(some are young. There is also a converted rabbit hutch and they lay in that also. Now that I have found the "hidden" eggs I search through the straw better in my daily treks to the Chicken area.



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