Why do quail chicks discover any possible trouble? Duct taped chick!


In the Brooder
Aug 10, 2019
So last night, one of the chicks got herself into a sticky situation. Literally.

She's determined to get into the water dish and run around in circles a few times. When there were pebbles in there, she still did this, just stumbled more. Anyway, am not sure why she like it so much, but I didn't want to dissuade her. She seems happy, and I don't think it's because she's too warm, since she never hangs out at the cool end of the brooder box. Letting her run around in the water seemed harmless.

I had a hand towel wrapped in paper towels secured with carefully tamped down duct tape in the middle of the box, so they would have something to hide with, run to when they are scared, et cetera. Everything seemed very secure, but it didn't occur to me that a soaking wet chick would climb on it. Which, of course, she did.

I walked into the room to find that she had duct taped herself. Wings, back, head, left eye, all were stuck to the tape, and the paper towel was damp. She was justifiably upset, and so was I. I cut off the bit of duct tape and brought her into the kitchen. She protested the entire time, flailing around in my hand, miserable. I got a bit of olive oil and a q-tip and started the very delicate process of working the tape off of her by rolling the q-tip in the direction her fluff naturally lies. She was mostly cooperative until I got to her eye, which really upset her. I had to hold her so, so carefully to keep her still, and give her my best 'comforting whistle' which seemed to help.

Luckily, she doesn't seem to be hurt at all. She's a little bit greasy, but doesn't seem to be getting chilled, is eating and drinking fine. I cleaned her up as much as she would let me, but after so much scary stuff for her, I didn't want to over-stress her.

The first chick to hatch shrieked during this whole ordeal. He doesn't like it if I leave the room or sit still for too long, doesn't like anything being changed, but! I have discovered something that hushes him up! The Mountain Goats album Tallahassee. It quiets him right down and he will relax and preen, eat, whatever needs doing lol. Who knew?
So last night, one of the chicks got herself into a sticky situation. Literally.

She's determined to get into the water dish and run around in circles a few times. When there were pebbles in there, she still did this, just stumbled more. Anyway, am not sure why she like it so much, but I didn't want to dissuade her. She seems happy, and I don't think it's because she's too warm, since she never hangs out at the cool end of the brooder box. Letting her run around in the water seemed harmless.

I had a hand towel wrapped in paper towels secured with carefully tamped down duct tape in the middle of the box, so they would have something to hide with, run to when they are scared, et cetera. Everything seemed very secure, but it didn't occur to me that a soaking wet chick would climb on it. Which, of course, she did.

I walked into the room to find that she had duct taped herself. Wings, back, head, left eye, all were stuck to the tape, and the paper towel was damp. She was justifiably upset, and so was I. I cut off the bit of duct tape and brought her into the kitchen. She protested the entire time, flailing around in my hand, miserable. I got a bit of olive oil and a q-tip and started the very delicate process of working the tape off of her by rolling the q-tip in the direction her fluff naturally lies. She was mostly cooperative until I got to her eye, which really upset her. I had to hold her so, so carefully to keep her still, and give her my best 'comforting whistle' which seemed to help.

Luckily, she doesn't seem to be hurt at all. She's a little bit greasy, but doesn't seem to be getting chilled, is eating and drinking fine. I cleaned her up as much as she would let me, but after so much scary stuff for her, I didn't want to over-stress her.

The first chick to hatch shrieked during this whole ordeal. He doesn't like it if I leave the room or sit still for too long, doesn't like anything being changed, but! I have discovered something that hushes him up! The Mountain Goats album Tallahassee. It quiets him right down and he will relax and preen, eat, whatever needs doing lol. Who knew?
so happy all ended well!! yes quail babies will get themselves into trouble!! i had a similar situation with my incubator over the weekend as i have to secure shelf liner with masking tape to close gaps for hatching. my first baby button managed to get his foot stuck to one piece of tape and after getting him safely un-stuck, he found his way into the gap and under the grate!!! had to quickly move other eggs to smaller incubator for hatching while DH removed screws to free the little guy!! no more buttons in that incubator!!:barnie
Quail babies are so dumb! So sweet, so completely sweet, but so dumb, you're right.

And oh gosh! THat must have been a stressful night for you, Muddy! something to look back on and laugh later but still! am glad he had good, caring hatchers to watch over him <3

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