Why Do the Whites stick to the Shell of the Hard Boiled Eggs?

I heard somewhere, might be on here somewhere so I don’t want to take credit if it is. But I was told that a tablespoon(or teaspoon. Can’t remember.) of salt added to the water before cooking them makes the shells come off easier. I tried it the other day with just plain table salt, it seemed to work wonders.
  1. Don't use eggs that are less than 5 days out of the hen.
  2. Boil in salted water (I give mine 10-15 minutes).
  3. After boiling drain water and immediately put eggs into ice water until cool (this I hear also helps prevent the greening of the yolk).

These are a compilation of all the tips I have heard to prevent shells from sticking. This may be overkill, not all of them may be necessary. But this combination works so I never experimented to find out which do and which don't.
"Why do the whites stick to the shell of a hard boiled egg" .....why you ask? To make our lives miserable and to drive us insane trying to peel them. :barnie

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