Why does he have his mouth open like this so often


In the Brooder
5 Years
May 31, 2014

The others do too
Welcome to BYC! Please make yourself at home and we are here to help.

She is probably just hot and panting. Totally normal. Keep her cool using fans blowing on frozen water jugs, big water bowls for her to drink from and by giving her lots of shade.
Hello there and welcome to BYC!

Mountain Peeps X2. If it is hot outside they are going to pant. When they get to the point of panting, you need to cool them down as they can over heat and die. So as Mountain Peeps has said, use fans, hose the place down, put ice in the water, feed cool treats, even ice packs inside boxes so they can to into a cool area.

You can also post this in our emergency section for more help...https://www.backyardchickens.com/f/10/emergencies-diseases-injuries-and-cures

Welcome to our flock!
Welcome to BYC and ditto on what the other folks have said...probably hot and panting.

We have a lot of sand (ok, almost totally sand) in our run and the girls really like it when I wet it down, it cools them off. Also, we put out extra water for drinking including 3 large shallow dishes they can walk through or they sometimes will just stand in them. I've read on here of other people using kiddie pools for their birds but just big old shallow dishes work for us.
NorthFLchick is right, cooling their feet off (in pans of water) does a lot on a hot day. Even humans can cool off considerably if they don't have air conditioning by putting their feet in a tub with some water.

In our area when the temps/humidity are dangerously high - public service messages often say to do that. Many people don't even have fans or air conditioning- so this is something they can do and it helps.
Thanks for all the tips it worked but it's not even hot anymore and him and his lady are the only ones and they don't open their beaks all the way just slightly

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