Why does my chicken now have orange feet?


In the Brooder
Apr 17, 2019
This week one of our ISA brown chickens became extremely lethargic and wouldn’t eat. Looking her over, the only thing I noticed was that her feet have become bright orange. (I’ve posted a pic of her feet now compared to what they were before). Our rooster (a buff orpingtons) had feet like this, but I thought it was just breed since that’s all he’s ever had. (We just re-homed him last week because he got too aggressive with our kids). However, hers are usually much more white/gray. We gave her a tonic and she perked up, but today we noticed another ISA brown chicken now has these bright orange feet and the original chickens feet have grayish spots on top of them. They don’t seem to hurt them at all, and they are both free ranging and pecking around fine now... but does anyone know why their feet have turned this orange, if it has anything to do with her lethargy and if it’s contagious? Thanks!


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I just had the same problem although I gave her worming medication An hour ago that is kind of the color of Betadine.
Incidentally I have lost two chickens last month and it seem to be the same type of issue where they act egg bound and they’re not digesting their food out of the crop but it’s not sour. And I did not feel any egg when I inserted a finger. And right now I have another chicken that seems to have what I saw was one worm but there is a hard mass almost like a lot of grit (purple granite chips) in the lower portion underneath her vent by about 3 inches. Also I can’t feel an egg. I saw her this morning gave her some more medication but I have to leave so I put her back in the coop.

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