Why does this keep happening?


Squeaky Wheel
11 Years
Feb 11, 2008
Waterloo, Nebraska
Why do I keep getting more eggs? Why do I keep ordering them? Why is the bator warming up? Why is there a box of Marans eggs waiting for me at my house from pasofinofarm? Why? Because I'm naughty!! That's why!!
Gosh! I know if I ever get this incubating thing down pat, I'll be in trouble just like you
That's funny! I'm getting so anxious to start hatching again I can't hardly stand it. I know when I do start though, it's going to be very hard to stop! Good thing I have someone lined up to help me sell them.

You are most certainly entitled to hatching some more anyways! You have to get your flock built back up, right?!?!
It's b/c the chicks are taking over your mind and b/c of that you cant stop, You need to seek help so you can stop

Ohhhh, hope you have a GREAT hatch
Well let's see.

1) You suffer from OCD and cannot help yourself.

2) You are under a Doctor's care for clinical depression due to the loss of you chickens

3) You are under a Doctor's care for anger repression at your careless neighbors and their attitude.

4) At the advice of several counselors,(your friends here on BYC) you are using the hatching of eggs as a theraputic measure to deal with your clinical depression and anger repression.

5) It's a female thing, to nuture and raise baby things

6) It's a hormonal thing, the urge to nest and build a family

7) Because you can that's why!

Face it, there is no hope for you, you are under the spell of the Chicken Hatching Peoples.

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