@@ Why every nook and cranny must be secure in your coops


6 Years
Sep 21, 2013
Nova Scotia, Canada

Here is the mink that killed all my laying hens last month. Killed my 10 girls that had only just started laying. Ripped all their throats out. This happened about 10am on a sunny day. It was still going through the nest box when I got my air rifle and ended his killing spree. I live in an area that mink farming pretty much supports most business one way or another, so raising poultry can be hard. This was the only visit this year although one "accidentally" ran under my truck while driving a few miles from home.
I always go to the barn now with a pistol in case. Took nearly a month of going over each and every pen to find any opening. The local mink farm supplier says all the caging they make for the industry is 1" x 1" welded wire mesh so if that can keep them in it should keep them out of your coop. Hope that helps anyone that may have that problem with similar predators.
It is almost impossible to keep mink out, they will find any gap in the wire. They will chew through exposed wood and can burrow in under runs if they do not have a wire under layer. I have been fortunate with mink but I know not everyone has the same luck.

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