Why go to the store and get cheap wine when I got cheap wine at home..

We have made a couple of batches of questionable quality wine quite some time back from supermarket cherries and grape juice. Wine from your own grape vines has got to be a ton better.

LOL! I was thinking of trying to make some with cherries. I'm thinking of getting a blackberry vine next year. Last year the grapes were a bit tart and when the wine was done it tasted like merlot.

I didn't know grapes grew in texas!

They sure do! We have also what they call mustang grapes that grow wild all over and they are supposed to make a real strong wine. Every year we try to get to the park early and nab some for wine making but everyone else in town beats us to them!

* Red or White or Pink?

A red wine. It's a bit strong for a table wine lol. But it did go well with beef! And most poultry.

As a wine maker myself, or I used to be, DH won't let me anymore because it stinks up the house, I would suggest washing and FREEZING the grapes first. Freezing does something to the cellular make up and makes for better wine! Great luck! If you need any tips let me know.

Now off for some homemade blackberry or blueberry wine. Which should I choose?

We washed them but didn't freeze them. I'm trying to duplicate everything as last year in hopes it comes out with the same merlot taste. Though the grapes are sweeter this year so I know that will effect the taste already. I would love to try blueberry. Blueberry has been my favorite out of the berries.

I still have another 2 bowls of grapes or more still on the vine and I'm thinking of making some raisins, chutney or jam with the rest.

This thread has got me thinking about making wine now...

Go for it! It's fun and rewarding to try it!​

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