Why have my hens abruptly stopped laying?


12 Years
Mar 12, 2012
It's June here in CAlifornia and perfect weather for laying. I was getting eggs daily and then all of a sudden everyone stopped laying. It's been about 5 days. Everyone looks healthy, no molting. They are in a protected cooped and run so predators can't access them. They get organic crumble, oyster shells, plenty of water, fresh green from the garden and some scratch. I see one or two (I have 5 layers) sit in the nests and oddly I saw my bantam rooster sitting in one the other day. Only change is that I sometimes let them free range where there is more sun and am not doing that now because of our newly planted garden. They have a big run with areas of shade and light sun. Any thoughts on why this is happening?
I have had a similar sudden drop the last couple of weeks and assumed a combination of hidden nests and recent attack-prompted stress, neither of which seem to apply in your case, so I'm also interested to see what folks suggest as possible cause(s)... :pop
The main reason hens stop laying is the molt. They can molt any time of the year, a molt can be brought on by stress. But it is the wrong time of the year and it is unlikely a molt caused by stress would hit all of them at the same time. Unless you see a lot of feathers flying around it's not going to be a molt.

One common reason is that they have hidden a nest on you. This happens more often than many people think. They can be really sneaky hiding a nest even inside a fairly bare coop, I don't know what your coop and run look like. I'd look closely in corners, behind things, in a shadow, any nook and cranny.

Many predators that eat eggs leave signs like a wet spot in a nest or bits of egg shell. In California those that don't leave clues include a snake, a canine, or humans. Since it has been five consistent days it is not a snake. A snake eats eggs then goes away for a few days to digest them before coming back for more. Foxes and coyotes would probably be more interested in a chicken than the eggs, so not likely one of them. I know you said there are no predators but does a dog have access? They can eat eggs and leave the chickens alone.

A human doesn't necessarily mean a thief. I remember a woman on here whose boyfriend was pulling a practical joke on her.

That's all I have. Anything else it is not going to hit all of them at once. It could just be coincidence but that doesn't sound right either, not for 5 days. Good luck. These things can be frustrating.
I'm having the same problem... I live in NC and it's been extremely hot these past weeks, and my egg production nearly stopped. But I was able to find out why, aside from the heat, which I do think slowed them down ( I have 6 laying hens) and 4 pullets. I'm almost positive the pullets ( they are just 5 months old) 2 brahmas and 2 black rocks...are eating them!😳 I would see them going into the coop and just waiting..so I've been trying to get inside before they get the eggs. I have found wet pine, and egg shells in the nest box..but still haven't caught them in the act. I ordered a a camera with night vision and voice so hopefully that helps. I'm becoming a crazy lady... running into my coop 30 times a day.
Any suggestions as how to make them STOP ...?!?!?
Any suggestions as how to make them STOP ...?!?!?
Possible ideas: Curtains to make it harder for them to see inside the nests if they're looking for eggs. Fake eggs (so they try to break them and fail). Real eggs filled with dish soap or mustard (results may vary, some folks say this works, others say nope). Roll away nest boxes.
Possible ideas: Curtains to make it harder for them to see inside the nests if they're looking for eggs. Fake eggs (so they try to break them and fail). Real eggs filled with dish soap or mustard (results may vary, some folks say this works, others say nope). Roll away nest boxes.
Real eggs filled with dish soap or mustard are a great idea!

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