why in the world do u like chickens

They calm the savaged soul. They are good therapy to escape the crazy world we live in. They make you slow down and take stock of the things that are constant and dependable in life. Just watch a hen clucking to her young or contentedly scratching and talking to herself. Hey, the perks aren't bad either!! Eggs and the greatest fertilizer for your garden in the world!! If you are gonna have chickens, have the garden too. It all is supposed to work together an d does if you give it a chance!! Many Happy chickens, Wanda:weee
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All those reasons and my Grandfather made me like this too!

When I was 6 my Grandpa got us a chick for Easter, we named her Peep. This was in Los Angeles in the 60's.
She grew into a sweet little banty hen. We had her for 2+ years. I remember dressing her in doll clothes and pushing her around in my doll baby buggy. Sitting with her in my lap and just talking to her, taking her on the swing and down the slide with me. My brothers, who were younger than me, would sit her on a large plastic toy boat and push her across our above ground pool.
She was a very patient, tolerant, sweet, kind little friend for us and I have always had a soft spot for chickens because of that experience.
Mom told us one day that she ran away, I was 25 before she admitted that her friends dog had killed my beloved little chicken.

Thats my first chicken story.

I love animals and was fasinated with dinosaurs when I was little and still am. They make me think of little T-rex's running around. Also one big plus is you don't have to feed them other animals or buy insects for them unlike most reptiles. They also have fun personalities. I like watching the little chicks find something to eat and think it's some special treat and start running around making noises while trying to find a spot to eat it. Don't know why they make the noises for since it attracts the other chicks to them so they end up with a whole group of chicks chasing them. I also like the noises the hens make. Don't really care for the loud crowing though. My mom also had a pet chicken when she was a kid that had mental problems so she rode around with it in her bike basket. She doesn't remember what happened to it and I told her she probably ate it since her family ate their other chickens once in a while.
They are so much fun to watch. I have one that is one and a half now. Her name is Peep and she comes when I call her. They are very friendly and sweet. And they make wonderful eggs, fertilizer and they eat the grasshoppers! They are more fun to watch then tv. I just love them.

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