Why is my Muscovy hen being so aggressive??


Dec 15, 2020
My dear Muscovy, Cheech, has developed some concerning behavior in the past 24 hours. She's been more vocal and a bit needier of my attention than usual, and now she's attacking my 3 youngest. They were introduced and started sharing and run and coop in August. Since then, she's basically ignored them if not been downright scared of them. Since last night, she's now started attacking them, my Golden 300 in particular. What the hell is going on? Is this normal or do I need to remove her?

I guess yesterday was the day she decided she was the dominant hen lol. Only took 3 months. Perhaps she's getting ready to finally start laying again (she hasn't popped out an egg since early June) and is feeling protective of her mate. Fascinating and a little upsetting to observe!
My girl wasn't the dominant one initially either. After the 1st year something clicked and since then they all know she's the mean girl. In my instance, she is most likely making sure the runners know this. But, they are so delicate compared to muscovy, she's a bit rough on them.
OKAY HANGON. after seeing the video I realize it's not just pecking here and there!!! 😳😳😳 I would definitely separate her for a few days or even a week. That's very strange behavior!! Nothing to get seriously worried about but ducks aren't usually that aggressive! Since their so social give her attention if you separate her and when you put them back together, maybe she will just be glad to be with ducks again and not respond to aggressively! 😳🤣
Ah. It's not strange if you have muscovy.
I assume she’s not broody. Is she molting by any chance? My Muscovy girls can get into real snits when molting (or broody or when they are sick of being cooped up in winter). I definitely agree with the others recommending a brief separation as it does look like she’s got the potential to do real damage. It’s one thing when that aggression is directed towards another tough Muscovy, but mallard-derived girls are a bit more fragile. Hopefully, she will feel better in a couple of days!
She has been molting forever! I think she's finally almost done but she did a really slow molt of every feather on her body and turned from being completely light brown to mostly chocolate brown with white feathers. She just dropped some tail feathers which is weird because she molted those in early summer. She was an apartment duck until June and so I think it's been just a lot of change and adjustment.
It must be in the air. My dominant muscovy hen has been doing the same to the runner ducks. I separated her for a few days because the one duck's face was swollen. She seems to be behaving today. I haven't seen any chasing today.
It is a dominant behavior and maybe she sees the others as a threat to her flock status.
If there are any wounds or swelling, I'd separate at least for a day or two. Otherwise, it's got to work out between the ducks.
It must be in the air. My dominant muscovy hen has been doing the same to the runner ducks. I separated her for a few days because the one duck's face was swollen. She seems to be behaving today. I haven't seen any chasing today.
It is a dominant behavior and maybe she sees the others as a threat to her flock status.
If there are any wounds or swelling, I'd separate at least for a day or two. Otherwise, it's got to work out between the ducks.
I guess yesterday was the day she decided she was the dominant hen lol. Only took 3 months. Perhaps she's getting ready to finally start laying again (she hasn't popped out an egg since early June) and is feeling protective of her mate. Fascinating and a little upsetting to observe!
🤣🤔🤔🤔🤔 The sound very rude now 🤣
? Not sure what your statement means. Muscovy aren't rude, but they don't have the same behaviors as mallard derived ducks so they don't always communicate as well together.
The other ducks getting attacked are not understanding the muscovy ducks signs and actions.
As for my statement, there was nothing rude about it.

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