Why is there poop around her vent?


9 Years
Apr 25, 2010
Northern WI
Well I read on internet some where that poop stuck around the vent is the first sign on mites or lice. So I checked a few of my hens (including her) and I did not find anything. On her vent theres missing feathers, Poop stuck and clumped together, and her vent it red! (shes not sick she acts fine and moves and eats like the others) well I got all the poop I could out and her vent isnt that much red anymore, Is this natural every once in a while, Or possibly because of winter. I only had them dust bath twice though winter, With the snow on the ground, now I made them a special dust bath area in the coop.
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I don't know the answer to your question but I have a couple that have doodie booties most of the time, too. I don't understand why, they all eat the same thing. It is 2 RIR girls that have doodie butts, my Buff O's don't seem to ever have that issue.
Just because a bird is acting well does not mean that they are not sick, in reality. Sometimes it's hard to tell until death strikes.

You can add apple cider vinegar to their water, it seems to help a lot of poopy butts.

As for the blood, have you checked for cuts, or is it coming out of the vent?

Ok, after a ton of reading I dealt with this same issue w/ my girls. Blood coagulants on a chicken are amazing. They actually cause the blood to turn gelatinous. When a bird lays an egg it is possible for a blood vessel to burst. This will mean bleeding from the vent. The blood will capture everything; dirt, shavings, blood, poop. Give the girl a bath and clean her vent. Look for a slightly bloodied egg. If you find it, awesome! If you don't, check her undercarriage. Is she unable to pass an egg? Then you have an eggbound bird. Look that up. Its a separate topic.

If it is an egg w/ a bit of blood, good news! she will recover in 3 or 4 days. Just isolate her. Put her in your kitchen or in a bathroom and give her the bath and she will be fine.

Good Luck! And let me know how it goes.
Im pretty sure shes not egg bound (ive had one before) shes not bleeding. I do get 1 big egg a day with a tiny blood spot in it lately. Her vent it red. I saw her lay yesterday. So Im guessing not egg bound.
Im thinking maybe a vessel bursted? Shes had poopy butt for 1 month. But today I reconized her butt being red, Though im not sure if shes layed today, yesterday I saw her lay around 1 pm, and I was not in the coop today at 1 pm, But there where a couple of eggs in the nesting boxes.

Great news!

Yeah, its just a burst blood vessel. just make sure her butt isn't getting pecked. and keep her clean. i put my girl right in the kitchen sink and filled it with mildly warm and soapy water. the blood coagulates catching dirt and binding to feathers. Just keep her clean and bathe her she will be fine.

R they unusually large eggs?
there usually large, Atually I think she did lay today, because her eggs are usually almost twice the size of the other eggs, but today the egg was funny shape, kind of crooked, ill take a pic and post in in a sec.

I cleaned her, with water and a comb, then dryed her off.
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heres the egg I got today I "think" I got from her because usually her eggs are the biggest egg, I get a day. And this ones quit large, but crooked'ish today?


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