Why isn't my pullet laying?


8 Years
May 22, 2013
The Volunteer State
My Coop
My Coop
Hey everybody,
My pullet hasn't been laying lately. A couple of days ago she was ill (don't know with what) She is now completely better though. When she was sick she laid a yolk, nothing else. She now will not leave the nest, i was thinking broodiness since she is a silkie. I don't want her to continue being broody if this is it, but don't want to move her if she is just trying to lay an egg. I know this is probably just a stupid question, but i just want to make sure. I would appreciate any help.
Thanks in advance.
Here are some tips of how to tell if a hen is broody

#1 If she is broody she will have the biggest poop you have ever seen.
#2 She will puff up and make a purring sound when you pet her.
#3 She will puff up around roosters
And another way to tell if she is broody, is put some eggs in her nest and see if she sits on them. Then if they are hot then she is broody.
If she is laying an egg she will get up soon, and you will see an egg. How long has she been in the nest box?

She has been on the nest for about 2 or 3 days. She doesn't have big poop but will puff out her feathers around me and my rooster. And she hasn't laid a single egg. She does sit on eggs though. And every time i put an egg in front of her she rolls it under her. She doesn't get of off the nest all day, so usually i have to lift her off.
Sounds like she is broody
when she is on the eggs are they hot?
Does she ever come off on her own?
And rolling the eggs under her indicates broodiness too.
How puffy does she get when she gets off the eggs?
Could you post a picture

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I went outside a while ago, and lifted her off of the nest. All of her feathers were puffed out and she was clucking and growling. Especially when my rooster got around her. I'm pretty sure she's broody.
She sure sounds broody....but I'd be concerned about the just laying a yolk, might want to take a look at her vent and abdomen.
I have been looking at her vent lately, a few days ago (when she was sick) she had a mite looking bug crawl up in her vent. When she got better she kept acting like her vent and under her wings were really itchy (she couldn't stop grooming them) I put some DE on her, and she seems to be doing better.
Do a search on breaking a broody hen, lots of threads here on how to do it. If she's not been laying correctly and having mites, she shouldn't brood chicks right now. She needs to be in better physical condition before she starts brooding.

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