Why Not Use Cedar?

Then it is probably Pine.

I am planning on using peat moss in the hen house I am working on, no heat source in there. For my broilers, currently kept in a stall, I use pelleted wood shavings. They are pine work great.

I use exclusively cedar shaving for my larger livestock, horses. I know people have had horses that have had allergic react to the cedar. But it is not common, most of the people I know bed their horses in cedar.
I have both here so I took pics for you. I use cedar in some of my gardening beds to repel insects and the pine for my girls...Cedar is more consistent shaped because of its hardness. Hope this helps.

Cedar on the left Pine on the right:


Cedar close:


Pine close:

* Seems like the only choices we're really offered all have some problems, either health, combustability, environmentally. Wonder-- Has anyone tried plain sand in a brooder??? I know it might be heavy, and too cold probly in winter but. . . What else?? Ed: sorry for the trepass.
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Cetwin, thanks for taking the time to load up your pix of shavings. I clearly see the difference now and am certain I am using pine.

I appreciate the clarification
I am glad to have found this thread. DH was just 'advised' yesterday to use cedar shavings in the coop, as it will help with insects & odor. I have been having misgivings about this. We've had other pets that needed bedding & always used pine shavings, as I thought cedar was so strong an aroma for me to breath let alone a small animal in a cage. I know others have used cedar & have not had problems, but I really don't want to use them. Will have to have a chat with DH & let him know the pro's & con's.

Of course the coop will be ventilated properly, but still, I thought the amount of cedar shavings needed would be equivalent to the cages for small animals.

As for insects, chickens do like to eat them...this may be excluding mites, lice, ect., but there are other ways to treat for those. Now as for the odor, cleaning will help there for a while and if it doesn't, oh well, farms, small or big smell like...well farms.

Thanks for info & opinions on this.

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