Why Organic?

I didn't buy any seeds that said hybrid on them so I am hoping that they are just plain regular vegetable seeds I have thought about ordering heirloom seeds has anyone else done this. I worry with hybrid seeds since I am not sure what they did to those seeds and since you can not use the seeds the next year so you have to keep buying more seeds. I would rather be able to use seeds from vegetables that I grow the next year.

Hybrid seeds haven't had anything done to them.. They are just two varieties that were cross pollinated and produced a new variety of seed. Like breeding a barred rock to a rhode island red and getting a hybrid chicken. You can save seed from them and replant.

But they won't breed true.

Don't like GMO, don't use them. The reason people use hybrid seed is that much higher production due to genes for production and health, and the benefit of F1 generation. Which is better, use cheap seed, get less production or buy expensive seed and get much better and reliable production?

For me, give me my Better Boys--a hybrid, more expensive but consistent, higher yields of tomatoes. For me, a no brainer. I like it's flavor much better than any heritage tomatoe I've eaten.
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Actually, they have used genes from fish, bacteria, and who-knows-what-else in creating GMO plants and actual people have actually fallen ill due to adverse reactions from consuming them. I'm not going to look through my bookmarks and dig up the information for you because if you're such a rabid skeptic that you would post the statement you just did, then I am not interested in changing your mind. This is for the benefit of the more open-minded people who might have been fooled into believing you.

Fish and plants do not mate.
Thank you everyone who has answered my questions. I know seemed stupid but I do like to know what I am eating and what I am feeding my family That is why I wanted to grow my own garden and be able to save seeds to replant next year to help save cost of the garden the way this country is going I want to be a self-sufficient as I can living in town. Hopefully in the next few years I will be able to get out to a farm until then just doing what I can to help our budget. I did learn that hybrid is just 2 different types of the same plant and is not as bad as some things I had read I must be thinking of the GMO seeds. I did buy some usda certified organic seeds could those also be hybrids with out saying on the package.
It might help to simply think of a hybrid plant as a Black Sex Linked chicken. There is nothing wrong with it, it simply will not breed true if you replant the seeds. The characteristics of the offspring will be all over the board.

People, there is nothing wrong with hybrid vegetables. Every heirloom was a hybrid at some point, just as every breed of chicken was a mutt at some point. Only the most hardcore "sustainavore hippies" are anti-hybrid.
Thank you I guess I am just overly worried since my grand daughter now has an immune problem due to, to many shots at once she got the flu shot now can not eat any kind of store bought eggs, Luckily my backyard flock eggs seem to be okay for her. So want to make sure that the vegetables I give her are not going to cause problems that is why I am growing my garden I now see that hybrids are just like sex link chickens got it. So I will buy some if I see the ones I like might even replant the seeds just to see what grows next year. Thanks again for all the help.
Actually, they have used genes from fish, bacteria, and who-knows-what-else in creating GMO plants and actual people have actually fallen ill due to adverse reactions from consuming them. I'm not going to look through my bookmarks and dig up the information for you because if you're such a rabid skeptic that you would post the statement you just did, then I am not interested in changing your mind. This is for the benefit of the more open-minded people who might have been fooled into believing you.

Fish and plants do not mate.

Chickened, how exactly are genes BORROWED??? Do they then remove them and give them back?
MedicineMan is right, they use genes from many different organisms. Bacteria, other plants, animals, and most recently, viruses. This would not occur in nature as spontaneous hybridization. Once they splice a gene from a foreign organism into a plant, there is no control as to how that plant will use that new gene sequence, thus, no control and no way to know all the possible risks involved.
Actually, they have used genes from fish, bacteria, and who-knows-what-else in creating GMO plants and actual people have actually fallen ill due to adverse reactions from consuming them. I'm not going to look through my bookmarks and dig up the information for you because if you're such a rabid skeptic that you would post the statement you just did, then I am not interested in changing your mind. This is for the benefit of the more open-minded people who might have been fooled into believing you.

Fish and plants do not mate.

What plant has fish genes in it? They use bacteria to place the protein into the corn or soybean plant. The RW & RR genes are from other plants. Even organic use Bt gene. When you put it on the fruit, it's in it as well. It's not in every cell of the fruit.

The only GMO that I'm aware of people being allergic to (1 out of million could be, never proved were) was the Starlink gene which was never legallized. When Garst didn't control it well enough, their penalties forced them to sell out. It cost commercial Ag a TON of money who weren't even involved. All because an individual farmer decided to NOT tear up what he was suppose to and didn't follow the protocol he agreed to. Sad story really. Of course, he skated while corp. had to pay.
Hybrid seeds haven't had anything done to them.. They are just two varieties that were cross pollinated and produced a new variety of seed. Like breeding a barred rock to a rhode island red and getting a hybrid chicken. You can save seed from them and replant.

But they won't breed true.

Don't like GMO, don't use them. The reason people use hybrid seed is that much higher production due to genes for production and health, and the benefit of F1 generation. Which is better, use cheap seed, get less production or buy expensive seed and get much better and reliable production?

For me, give me my Better Boys--a hybrid, more expensive but consistent, higher yields of tomatoes. For me, a no brainer. I like it's flavor much better than any heritage tomatoe I've eaten.

I know they won't breed true...they'll go back to the grandparent plants, but there is nothing to keep you from planting them.....they'll still grow and produce a crop.
I find it curious that GMO seeds that are patented and a closely guarded secret by large companies would tell what they put in their engineered seeds. I really doubt anyone here really knows what they have done to them therefore it would be mere speculation unless the seed companies released that information and I really doubt they did and if so most likely not entirely.

People get ill and die from using raw manure and other organic methods as well in gardening for instance blood meal... all the methods used in farming have inherent risk associated with them. Most people that get ill or die have an underlying health issue, allergy or poor health.

Abstaining from the use of modern farming techniques for fear of what one has not researched themselves is akin to shaking a feather or chicken foot over the ground where you are going to plant for some sort of luck.
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Actually it's not a closely guarded secret. They do release it. It is in the patent what it is. Really want to know, do a patent search. In Ag, all this is very common knowledge, nothing hush hush. The Ag trait companies do not put the trait in themselves as they pay someone who has the ag bacteria process down. Now how that is done, may be common knowledge as well but I don't know how it works except that they use bacteria that carries the protein as a virus thus infecting the plant, leaving the protein behind.

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