Why Organic?

Can you grow your own? Baker Creek seed company sells great corn and tons of other NON GMO, Heritage and organic seed. I have been getting mine from this company for years and they are awsum, helpful, and the veggi's are the best anywhere, huge volumes of veggi's I feel better than the hybrids, and or GMO massacred garbage every place seems to sell these days, as far as organic corn this is the only place I have found it, Monsanto owns the patent on almost every corn and you will not find good non spliced corn seed anywhere I have found except organic or heritage seed here.
Monsanto is in the works of controlling the food market with there poisons, be smart don't buy their garbage buy organic. Kim
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Most people that get ill do not have an underlying medical condition, if they did they would most likely die....What they eat however sure could make them ill or worse !
GMO is the absolute worst Idea I ever heard and I hope to God you don't feed it to your children,
There have been many studies done to prove just how bad GMO is most are our there some have been covered up my Big Ag and Monsanto, are you a weed that needs killing? if not then why would you want to eat round up, its poison, plain and simple to kill weeds. If I handed you a spoon of sugar plain and simple, and a spoon of sugar with round up mixed in would you eat it? I sure hope you would be sane enough to not eat the roundup sugar. Maybe I'm wrong by some of your posts I think you just might. It's crazy to think anyone would willing eat it. That's half the problem most people have been conned into thinking its fine to eat. It most certainly is not. See my post 57 page 6 here https://www.backyardchickens.com/forum/viewtopic.php?id=476710&p=6 Kim
MOre Info below links to articles

Theres many many more..........way to many to list them all Judge for yourself who's feeding us garbage, PUN intended
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I guess I should mention that I am no fan of GMO seeds and no expert I only know what I have read about it from both sides of the issue (still think I am closed minded Medicineman?) I don't agree with bashing big corporations and making them out to be evil though. Monsanto and other companies provide materials that help feed millions of people worldwide and help keep food affordable, compared to world hunger and starvation I would however eat GMO seed produce. We take for granted the cheap produce in the U.S. it is not so cheap in other countries. Organic methods are labor intensive when compared to modern practices as reflected by the cost of the organic section in the supermarket. In a perfect world organic is best I would agree to that but this aint no perfect world and cost is a reality and if organic payed better to to farmer by virtue of sales I believe without a doubt farmers would go that route. The farmers that use GMO seeds are under contracts and agreements that would be costly by way of crop insurance and breaches of contracts if they did not produce their quotas and there is too much risk involved in organic methods, It takes alot of work to be certified organic and it is easily lost. Maybe some day the world will be able to implement organic methods on a large scale and be cost effective or maybe we should accept socialism when it comes to our food supply and redistribute the healthy food to everyone and have everyone pony up for it.:)eh? Just for kicks and giggles roundup is basically super concentrated fertilizer and plants over-dose on it and the makers claim it has no residuals.
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There is a website called snopes.com that debunks alot of web information, urban legends and the like, check it out some time. Anyone can post anything on the web for any reason. Publishing in say the New England Journal of Medicine or some other repututable journal would be a little more credible. If GMO is as bad as some claim (this is me thinking here) I don't think our government would allow it and there are no shortage of lawyers to chase that ambulance if it were remotely true.
Most people that get ill do not have an underlying medical condition, if they did they would most likely die....What they eat however sure could make them ill or worse !
GMO is the absolute worst Idea I ever heard and I hope to God you don't feed it to your children,
There have been many studies done to prove just how bad GMO is most are our there some have been covered up my Big Ag and Monsanto, are you a weed that needs killing? if not then why would you want to eat round up, its poison, plain and simple to kill weeds. If I handed you a spoon of sugar plain and simple, and a spoon of sugar with round up mixed in would you eat it? I sure hope you would be sane enough to not eat the roundup sugar. Maybe I'm wrong by some of your posts I think you just might. It's crazy to think anyone would willing eat it. That's half the problem most people have been conned into thinking its fine to eat. It most certainly is not. See my post 57 page 6 here https://www.backyardchickens.com/forum/viewtopic.php?id=476710&p=6 Kim
MOre Info below links to articles

Theres many many more..........way to many to list them all Judge for yourself who's feeding us garbage, PUN intended
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Monsanto owns the patent on almost every corn and you will not find good non spliced corn seed anywhere

Then you have spent 0 time looking. The 3rd largest corn breeding company in the USA and in the world breeds everything NON-GMO. Traits are added (no body will buy untraited corn to the level to support the research) after it is found to be farmer worthy.

I don't know how many I've PM'ed, emailed, or posted I'd be happy to give people sources of non-GMO genetics and so far NONE have asked. What does that tell you. In fact, I've had organic farmers tell me not to tell them they can buy non-chemical treated seed. If they can't get it, they are allowed to use treated seed. The hypocrosy of the organic movement.

no shortage of lawyers to chase that ambulance if it were remotely true.

We have a winner here.......​
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I tried the organic method 25 years ago where I live and because of my short growing season it just didn't work. There is an outfit called Territorial Seed that sells some se(sugar enhanced) corn and it will ripen and is sweet. Their heirloom corn just plain and simple doesn't work here. I have also tried collecting seeds and some work and grow and some don't. The other reason I use the most reliable seed is for the time spent I cannot afford to plant twice and take the chance of poor results it would force me to use a greenhouse and the cost to heat it would be more than it would be worth. Most if not all organic farmers that I know grow organic methods as a side business and barely break even at best, they have gotten thier wealth from another business or are scraping by and rely on government subsidies or like in Oregon they just get a medical marijuana card and grow the only crop that really pays.
Can you grow your own? Baker Creek seed company sells great corn and tons of other NON GMO, Heritage and organic seed. I have been getting mine from this company for years and they are awsum, helpful, and the veggi's are the best anywhere, huge volumes of veggi's I feel better than the hybrids, GMO massacred garbage every place seems to sell these days, as far as organic corn this is the only place I have found it, Monsanto owns the patent on almost every corn and you will not find good non spliced corn seed anywhere I have found except organic or heritage seed here.
Monsanto is in the works of controlling the food market with there poisons, be smart don't buy their garbage buy organic. Kim

I live in town right now and don't have the room to grow the feed for my chickens. I am planting a garden and will try and save as many seeds as possible for next year. I am trying different things to try and help our food budget food cost are going up so fast that it is hard on a family. Thanks for the great advice and I will see what I can do next year I have all my seeds for this year. I did find in my search on line a package of civil war winter garden seeds I though about ordering and planting just to see what happened.
I would very much recommend The Future of Food. It and the following are available for instant view if you have Netflix:

The World According to Monsanto

This last is also viewable at topdocumentaryfilms.com

Watch all three. They will open your eyes.
Is snopes God?
Personally I believe the truth is found between the lines, because no one is 100% accurate all the time, even the best slip up.
Its very important to get many differing opinions to make your own choices and find your own truths. I have listed several websites that tell of Monsanto's evil, there are thousands of pages more, are they all 100% accurate.....doubtful, but their is truth to be had on each and every site, and lies to sort through. Mostly after reading tons of info on it more truths than lies unless Monsanto spewed them.
see this site about snopes, there's is also many others debunking them as a hoax.


these are but a couple sites do I think they are thee authority on snopes.... NO I don't but I tend to believe if you have an agenda you have reason to lie. Judge for your self who is right and who is wrong but do it with an open mind so that you can see whats between the lines. Snope was originally just a site to debunk email hoax's since when did they become the authority on everything!! Kim
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