Why Organic?

The OP's original question was "why organic". Those of us who believe in using organics responded to say why. I hope this thread gets shut down as it has instead become a place to argue. I have Multiple Sclerosis. Since using only organic products and abstaining from meat, my MRI has shown 38 fewer lesions on my brain. That's my evidence. I don't think anyone here is going to convince anyone else to change their mind, but my mind has literally been changed.
I hope it does not get shut down. I think everyone has the right to believe what they want and I feel that this thread has really helped at least me understand more about things then when I first started reading it. I want to eat foods that are better for me and my family without the information provided by some of these people I would not have known things that I did learn. I think everyone should just respect that people have different ideas of what organic means to them and should respect others for their beliefs simple as that Respect...
Lazy J Farms Feed & Hay :

Nope, they just cater to decency and posts that don't insult other members.

Thank you for saying that. It seems that some people can exchange opinions and opposing viewpoints all day in civil debate, while others choose to make personal attacks on each other. That's when the report button should come in play -- not the reply button.

Have a great thread!​
We grow some GMO crops and I personally don't believe they are the evil that a lot of people like to preach that they are. There is a study out there to prove both sides of the argument right just as there is a study to show both of them wrong. Most times the outcome of a study is determined by who funded it.

I too am picky about what I feed my family and grandkids. I grow a large garden and preserve a lot of it....not because I think that the food in the grocery store is poison and going to kill us, but because fresh and home grown always tastes better. I do try and buy as much US grown products as possible.....because even with all it's faults I still trust our rules more to insure a safe food supply than I do any other government.

I don't think organic is always better either and the truth of the matter is that there are a lot of people who can't afford to buy organic even if they want to.
I know I can't plus I wonder how far some of the organic vegetables and fruits come since I doubt someone is growing bananas here in Kansas.
I live in rural Oregon and spend a lot of time in the forests and on rural property due to my business and I have seen countless sites where people are attempting to live all natural. Most that I come across are young couples that have a few children and they are living in a school bus or older singlewide trailer, no jobs no income and attempting to live off the land. They tell me all about how natural they are living coupled with government sustenance and I look around and find they have sewage leaching to the surface, garbage pits, oil burning autos, and the place is overall a health hazard a few chickens living in the mud, a skinny dog and they live this way because someone convinced them that all natural is the way to go. My point here is just because it is natural does not mean it is best and why spend what money you have on organic expensive food at the risk of getting sick from other causes that are a result of neglecting basic needs.
Wow that is wonderful news I hope your health continues to improve and it is affirmation of what I believe about healthy grown food products. Food grown to as close as nature intended it to be grown.
I don't necessarily believe in"organic" but responsible growing. I don't think anything nowadays can be grown truly organic.
PVC water pipes, rain with radiation/aluminum etc..
Staying away from the mass produced (factory farming techniques) and highly processed foods I believe will make a person healthier.
Too many studies are showing negative results of factory farming. I don't believe all of them but I do believe where there is smoke there is fire.
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I have no problem w/organic in itself. I have major problems w/organic industry to the point I think they should be in jail for fraud.

As far as anyone saying they had/have a major medical problem and "organic" cured it, color me a skeptic. I would put more faith in the meds they are on.

When America was "organic", average male life span was 52 years old. Now that we eat GMO products, it's 72 years old. So let's eat more GMO products...
Please turn sarcasm meter on.

chickened, I can't even start to tell you how sick (& a few other emotions) I got from reading this.
natural they are living coupled with government sustenance​

I never said I was cured, I said I was better. Been taking the exact same meds for 8 years, and I didn't change anything else about my lifestyle. MS has no cure. I don't feel the need to defend my position to people like you. My neurologist is the only person I have to answer to, and he happens to have a decent brain in his head. The OP asked "why organic," not "why NOT organic." Keep supporting Big Ag and the food monopoly they have over the world. Any corruption in the organic industry has to pale in comparison to giants like Monsanto.
OK, so I'll answer the "why organic?" question from the OP. For me, organic practices as a philosophy are more acceptable to my beliefs. I'm not as concerned with nutritional benefits as I am with how I believe "conventional agriculture" has non-sustainable methods employed. I choose organic when and where I can, because my dollars reward those who adhere to the philosophy of production with which I agree. I am not on a crusade to convert other people, or to demonize those who disagree. I will refute false information when presented, as I feel it interferes with the ability of people to make informed choices, but there's no logical argument against someone who says "I don't care." I do believe that there are greater harms from intensive "conventional" agriculture than from an organic model, but I do not need to defend my choices to others. I am all about choice.

As a parallel that explains my rationale, I often see examples of people who choose not to buy certain products because they disagree with some aspect of the company producing it, the methods of production, or the philosophy behind either. Some people who do not like particular political commentators will write letters to sponsors of those commentators, in which they state that they will no longer buy those products while the company continues to sponsor that program. That is an example of people being able to choose, and using their dollars to vote for their choice, and I respect anyone who is committed to their choice, regardless of whether I agree or not. Money talks, and if people use their money to say "I prefer it this way" then producers will comply so as to obtain those dollar-votes. And there it is...for me, anyway.



edited for typo
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