Why Would Maggots Be Inside A Live Chicken?


9 Years
11 Years
Jul 12, 2010
North Eastern Arizona
We put down our seven year old Barred Rock yesterday. She had collapsed and when I picked her up she had thousands of maggots crawling in and out of her vent, thousands. She had been acting slow lately but was still eating and drinking. I figured she was slowing down because of her old age. I never dreamed she was being eaten alive. Can someone explain to me why maggots were there in the first place? She had no sores around her vent. She was clean and looked good. I was shocked!!! It was the grossest thing ever!!!
I'm sorry for your loss:hugs

It does sound like she was suffering from Flystrike. Most of the time flies will lay eggs on a dirty vent or a small wound, then of course, maggots emerge and start consuming flesh. You mention that she was clean and looked good, I can only assume eggs were laid near the vent and the maggots found their way inside the vent and began work on the soft tissues. Fly eggs can hatch quickly (within a 24hr period) so it would have been hard to catch early unless you inspect all vents daily.

I'm so sorry.
Yes that sounds like fly strike. None of my chickens have had it and I hope they never will. I am sorry for yours loss. :hit:hugs
I checked out the websites for flystrike, and I am assuming that is what she had. However, she didn't have any sores. Literally, the maggots were crawling in and out of her vent. I was horrified when I saw what was happening. I would have preferred a gross open wound. At least then I could have cleaned it out and possibly helped her, but to have them inside her I am not sure if there would have been anything I could have done. I HATE FLIES!!!
Interesting I heard about fly strike with my sheep, I had been told what to watch for and to keep tails clean since I do not dock my sheep tails, I had no idea that this can also effect chickens, thanks for sharing.
Fly Strike is
maggots living in the vent and into the body living off dead and then live tissue of the chicken.
flys are attracted to the chickens vent as usually some veces is there on the feathers.
called blow fly strike and fly blown.
It is deadly if not treated immediately.
Many fly species favor the stinky wet moist area of the chickens vent to lay their eggs.
Maggots hatch in24 hours and begin eating dead and live tissue, causing sores and infection.
Keeping the chickens clean is a necessity.
Provide a dusting area for the birds by using lots of clean sand for them to dust in.
Thus they will keep the wet feces off the vent feathers.
Also keep the fly population down especially in warm weather.
Use necessary fly protection.

If hens have wet dirty feces covered feathers.
Clean with a bath and or cut feathers off the chicken in vent area

If the fecal droppings are runny etc, abnormal loose.
then you need to have a vet lab test the fecal droppings.

Thus you will avoid the FL STRIKE.

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