Why would someone do this???

I am so sorry, Shelly!
Yeah, it's been rough. Of course DH just says, "Well, maybe you shouldn't have chickens, then."
It is almost enough to give up, but I've still got some survivors, so I'm going to keep going!

Funny note...last night we were going through a small town here in Oklahoma, and were going to eat at a Dairy Bar, THEN...I saw a sign for a church fundraiser...INDIAN TACOS!!!
So we stopped. The people we bought the house from went to that church!
So, we made small talk, I'm sure it was killing her to be friendly to us. But, like I told the police, I am pretty sure it wasn't them. That took too much effort.

For those of you outside of Oklahoma, Indian Tacos are the BEST!!! It is basically self-rising flour and powdered sugar made into a dough then deep fried (kind of like giant beignet) then topped with refried beans, taco meat, cheese, lettuce, tomato, onions, salsa and sour cream...in that order!

To the poster that asked why the police didn't come out, I didn't call them. There were several reasons...besides the fact that yesterday my cell phone decided that there was no service within 10 miles of the house, so I had to drive to town to call them, anyway. Also, there is nothing they can do. I do not expect them to come all the way out, and then go out and hunt down the culprit. They have better things to do, and odds are, I'll never see them again. The police report was simply to start a paper trail to protect me in the future. It shows that there has been criminal mischief and vandalism, so if I defend myself or my property in the future, I'm covered.

One interesting thing that I noticed...the birds that were killed were the ones that my DD was going to show in FFA. I am wondering if it was kids and they targeted my DD. It makes me sad about the babies. Especially my little polish I rescued.

Thanks for the support!

Yeah...they are the BEST!!! Beggs Assy of God is having another one July 10th. It was $6 for a plate, drink and dessert. Don't know how close you are to that, but Y-U-M!!! I think we'll make another trip through there next month!

Indian tacos are the best. It has bee awhile since I have had one. Now I am hungrey for one. Sorry about your chickens. I hope it doesn't happen again.
Tina make extra for me, I love Indian tacos haven't had any in a long time there was a place at Bokoshe that made them. Don't even know if its there any more.
Here in Spiro they had a fundraiser that's what they made to raise the money. It was over before I knew about it.I'm waiting for them to do it again.

Shelly I wish you better luck with your chickens, dont give up it can and will get better. You know where you can get more chicks.
def file a report with the cops and i agree with an earlier post about humans who are cruel to animals are usually at the early stages of human cruelty.
thorned plants on proerty line also a good idea. a lock. lights on a sensor. all very good ideas.
if you live in a small town, you might get the local newspaper to do an article which will pique interest and make people more aware of the activity and maybe a neighborhood watch...kinda hard i you're spread out.

the powder or flour idea is very good. i've used it to figure out what was in my garage...

sorry for your loss.

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