Why would someone do this???

............. I'm afraid I would have to move.....................too scary~
You mentioned the dream mountain lions, do you have them in your area? The chicken that you found under a rock...mountain lions "bury" their prey with debris so they can come back for a snack later. Can you put the chicken (even grocery store chicken) back under the rock and set your camera up to see what comes back for it ?

Mountain lions scare me and they are very rare around here but we did see one once.

...and what kind of police department doesn't come out to take a report from the scene of an animal cruelty case???? That seems strange...our department would have gone to your home.
Someone opening the door, many chicks, geese etc escaping
unknown fate of some
some obviously attacked by animals, wild or dogs
it's possible someone snuck into your barn for whatever reason and left it open, then the animals were not protected from wild critters and scattered to escape

since you have a variety of kinds of injuries, I've been wondering if kids used your barn for some kind of kid fun late at night
'I know where we can go....'
and left it open when they left

just a thought
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Wow. I read this entire thread. Shelly, I am so sorry. I am glad you found your love, Dierk.

It sounds like your DH is doing what he can to help out for the future. My guy isn't too sensitive either, and he doesn't really get stuff done until he has too-always because of something happening that makes him get to work... But I love him after I am done being mad-very much.

I wouldn't give up yet. It is so obvious you love what you are doing-and your boys too.

Two legged boogers are the worst kind. It makes me so sad for you. Glad you filed a report. Wish you the best. Hope lots more make it home.
WOW is all I can say. I read this morning all you ongoings with "these" people. I would say it is probably "them" people.

My saying is Trespassers will be shot survivors will be shot again!!!!!!!!!!!

I had something similar happen last fall. 50 birds dead, not 49 not 51 but 50. I knew something was up when I noticed the gate to the yard open. Well I thought well dang what happened. THEN later that week and animal control was knocking at my front door at 730 am. I was like what the heck, did the horses or dogs get out. Nope they got a complaint, well a lot of complaints from 1 person. That I had poor living quarters for the birds. ONLY 4 people had even seen my coops and I knew 3 of them real well and they would not make that kind of complaint. Anyway, the officer did the tour and said everything was fine. And then asked me what I did with the dead birds I had found. You could have driven a semi truck thru my mouth then. I ask how did you know. Said same person had came into their office and made a complaint that my birds were dying off.

Whats that saying.........Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.

Like buckguy said anything we can do just holler.

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