wierdest breakfast you have had?

My normal??? breakfast is a cup of hot cocoa. I don't drink coffee and don't have time to cook in the morning.

I REFUSE to drink the powdered packaged crap and actually make it in a pot on the stove.

real milk - real cocoa - homemade vanilla - real sugar - set to low - while I run around feeding pets

by the time the pets are set, the divine liquid is ready. I pour happiness in a cup and move to the front room to work.

Work is a whole lot easier to face with a cup of REAL cocoa in your hands.
10 mc donalds cheeseburgers. During our honeymoon mc donalds was doing the 29 cent cheeseburger promo.... guess who married the bargan husband?
Calamari with marinara sauce.

When I was in high school, my brother, cousins and I spent a week at our grandparents house in southern FL. I had key lime pie every morning for breakfast for that week. Started to wear after awhile, was glad when Saturday came and Grandma made a good old fashioned breakfast of sausage and pancakes.

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