Wilco chicks are here!!!! WOO HOO!


10 Years
11 Years
Jan 24, 2009
McMinnville, Oregon
We just got back from Wilco with 2 Golden Laced Wyandottes. They were supposed to get to Buff Orps in today, but they didn't show up. I will start calling every morning (they are going to get sick of me!) until the Buffs come in. I can't wait for the little Buff fuzzies!
I will attempt to post pics of Mulder & Tractor (the GLW's)later today...I have never posted a photo before, so I hope I can figure it out!!
Please tell me that Wilco is a feed or farm store b/c here in North Carolina Wilco is a gas station chain. Then again chicks at a gas station would be convenient.
HAHA! YES! Wilco is a chain of feed stores here in the Pacific Northwest.
We are in McMinnville, that is in NW Oregon.
Our big claim to fame is The Spruce Goose....We have an aviation Museum that houses the big wooden plane.
I didn't know that they got that many different breeds at Wilco. I always thought that they got one breed for layers and one breed for meat birds. Do you know what other birds they're getting? Did they get in the Buff Orpingtons?
My wife and I got our first (ever) chicks today at WILCO in Newberg. They had a GREAT selection. We ended up with 6 beeeeautiful 5 day old girls. They were born last Thursday, March 20th......the first day of Spring AND our 4th wedding anniversary (meaning galore, eh?).

So we ended up with a Welsumer, Buff Orpington, Black Australorps, Barnevelder, Gold-Laced Wyandotte, & a big fluffy Light Brahma. They are getting along fantastically well. One phone call and when we arrived they were all in their own galvanized tub with my name on it!

They also had MANY other breeds - golden sex links, Cuckoo Marans, and others.
We got our first chicks last year, Black Australorps - which we love! I got them from Big R in Central Oregon. All three hens, healthy etc.
I'm thinking of adding to our little flock and was going to go to Wilco (nearest my home). Has everyone had pretty much good luck with the health etc. from any chicks they've gotten at Wilco (NW)?
Thank you!
Desert Aussies

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