Wild and pushy goats

Hmm. Tying them up like others suggested might be a good option then. You could tie them up in the pen and then walk them out one at a time. When they are done getting milked, tie them back up. That way you don't have them fighting at the gate.
Hmm. Tying them up like others suggested might be a good option then. You could tie them up in the pen and then walk them out one at a time. When they are done getting milked, tie them back up. That way you don't have them fighting at the gate.
Yeah, I'll give that a try. Unfortunately I really only use leashes for worming, they will most certainly help me get my cardio workout in😂
But maybe after a few times they'll chill out.
I do milk them in order, the thing is I milk the meek and mild ones last, because the herd queen must be first. But when I put the boss lady back she immediately tries to get back out. And then there's her arch enemy (who also tried her best last year to separate my arm from my shoulder every morning on the stand) who wants to get on the stand, and the both of them are quite large for mini nubians, so the two of them shoving at once is too much for me to hold back🙁
It makes getting my two favorites almost impossible since they aren't pushy like the big girls.
My double gate at least keeps them from getting to the stand, but it still doesn't make handling them much easier.
Saturday I was quite bossy with them and they cut me some slack. I'll keep popping noses and tossing in a scoop of feed for distraction, that seems to be helping.
I have found a quick snap across the nose with a garden glove is pretty effective. It startles them more than hurts but is unpleasant.

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