Wild bird feed with a few additives?


6 Years
Aug 10, 2016
I have just 2 pigeons. They are just for a hobby/pets rather than some kind of competitive or racing/show birds.

My local farm feed story does sell racing pigeon feed at about $18 for a 50-pound bag (nothing smaller, unfortunately). But I was thinking that I don't want to keep 50 pounds around for such a long time to feed 2 birds (and any future babies).

I was thinking to buy regular wild bird seed in smaller packages, maybe the kind of with cracked corn (since I see that in the pigeon feed). The only thing that I don't see in the wild bird seed that is part of the pigeon feed is peas.

I was thinking I could get dried peas and mix it in.

I know people make their own bird feed for their chickens or pigeons, so this idea isn't too far-fetched. But does anyone see any potential issues with making some of my pigeon feed in this way, by using smaller bags of wild bird seed and will mix in with peas from another source? Eg I don't know if the dried peas that humans eat, would be different in some way from the dried peas that are put into bird feed (that is used for bird feed).

Yes, that is possible to use bird seed with some stuff added. But once you factor in probably getting a 50 pound bag of peas, (the only size availible around here) and then a few bags of birdseed, you are going to be spending more than $18 i bet. So if it was me, i would just get the 50 pound bag and store ir somewhere. Or see if there are any pigeon keepers in your area that would split it with you.
I have just 2 pigeons. They are just for a hobby/pets rather than some kind of competitive or racing/show birds.

My local farm feed story does sell racing pigeon feed at about $18 for a 50-pound bag (nothing smaller, unfortunately). But I was thinking that I don't want to keep 50 pounds around for such a long time to feed 2 birds (and any future babies).

I was thinking to buy regular wild bird seed in smaller packages, maybe the kind of with cracked corn (since I see that in the pigeon feed). The only thing that I don't see in the wild bird seed that is part of the pigeon feed is peas.

I was thinking I could get dried peas and mix it in.

I know people make their own bird feed for their chickens or pigeons, so this idea isn't too far-fetched. But does anyone see any potential issues with making some of my pigeon feed in this way, by using smaller bags of wild bird seed and will mix in with peas from another source? Eg I don't know if the dried peas that humans eat, would be different in some way from the dried peas that are put into bird feed (that is used for bird feed).

That's a very reasonable way to feed 2 birds, just use whole corn instead of cracked.:)
Yes, that is possible to use bird seed with some stuff added. But once you factor in probably getting a 50 pound bag of peas, (the only size availible around here) and then a few bags of birdseed, you are going to be spending more than $18 i bet. So if it was me, i would just get the 50 pound bag and store ir somewhere. Or see if there are any pigeon keepers in your area that would split it with you.
This is very true. If you can store it so you don't get Indian meal moths in there and in a rodent proof container, they will consume it faster than you think.
Yes I feed them Purina Layer Pellets as a staple. I also provide different grains anything from rabbit pellets, whole corn, sunflower seed, peas and I keep experimenting with various grains just to see what they enjoy most. So far nothing beats shelled unsalted peanuts. This photo shows what premium pigeon food a fancier would feed his birds if he raced them. (not available near me).

Pigeon Feed.jpg
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OP, That is the diet I feed my birds and they do really well on it. I can not get pigeon food proper in my country (Thailand).

I get wild bird food, they call it dove food here. Its lots of small seeds, millets, etc and cracked corn.

I just go the supermarket and buy some dry split green or yellow peas and sometimes dry peanuts to add to this wild bird seed.

I tried adding dry garbanzo / chick peas, but my birds won't eat them. They do like to eat my chickens layer pellets too, which is good when they are breeding for calcium for eggs, and protein for feathers.

Also give them grit and they eat small stones when out of the coop free ranging.

Mine won't eat the whole corn, but just like the cracked corn. There seem to be an urban myth about cracked corn giving pigeons canker, but I did a lot of research and there is zero proof of this, and I have kept pigeons for 12 years and none ever got canker!!!
I feed my pigeons wild bird seed. I mix in dried green split peas and dried lentils. I've got 4 different breeds (Russian Tumblers, Figuritas, Homers ,and 1 Norwich Cropper) . I also have ring neck doves that eat it and I mix it instead of scratch in with the crumbles that I feed my chickens. All the birds have done well on this for the past 4 years that I've had pigeons.
I feed my pigeons wild bird seed. I mix in dried green split peas and dried lentils. I've got 4 different breeds (Russian Tumblers, Figuritas, Homers ,and 1 Norwich Cropper) . I also have ring neck doves that eat it and I mix it instead of scratch in with the crumbles that I feed my chickens. All the birds have done well on this for the past 4 years that I've had pigeons.

That is what I do. But I did not know that they liked to eat lentils too!!! Thanks.. I am going to go out and buy some now and see how they like them.

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