Wild horse herd RP

Oklahoma windy

7 Years
Apr 29, 2012
A ranch in OK
Its as if we were suppose to parish with
them, yet somehow we where spared amongst the rest. Why have
we come to be tormented in this way of loss? Some say it was
meant to be, but if so, why have we been left to travel alone? Why
have we been sent to... No where?

Life abides as it always has on Desire, though the virus has killed
most, their are some that where immune, and still persevere
alongside the lands. Desire once was full of life, now lies in its own
pit, the land was even dying of hunger. The equines whom managed
to get to the neighboring islands... Far off actually... Were the only
ones that survived, living off the small island that they found, their
was limited room, forcing equines to head for the cretin death. It
was hard deciding which ones should be left to die along with the
lands, but once it was decided, the rest fled to the small island for
cover, in hopes it was far enough to escape the virus that tore apart
the equine. The journey to the lands where hard, most were swept
out to sea, taken in under the waves, and soon only 5 of the
strongest equines arrived at the island, to try and regain
themselves. Wells the others perished with Desire, Soon only 3 of
the most rival equines were living, the 3 that are today still
remembered. All where mares, thriving off the land, awaiting to get
back to where they could live again. No way would this land be
enough to survive. After a few months rolled by... Another mare
vanished... Then another... Till one was left to cradle the lands. Soon
the land had nothing left, all was stripped from its surface from lack
of water, and extreme heat. Soon the last mare had to make her
journey back to Desire, in hopes it was reborn again, and the virus
was gone. Arriving after a hard journey, one that was to surly kill
her, she stepped a crossed the beach to see all looked burnt. The
virus ate everything, but now was gone. After a weary travel a
crossed the lands, She found a small patch of grass, in which she
gave birth in later on. Soon the land grew with even more greens,
herbs spread, though a painful awakening. A survivor, 2 to be exact,
came fourth to this mare and her newly born colt. These two
approaching equines where brutes, whom where solemnly said to
be healthy from this virus, though minds changed. The black brute
was the one whom stated their be an alliance of the Dark, wells the
other Neutral. Soon the mare fell scared, yet strong, and took to
becoming a light leader. Later she perished, though her foal took on
the kingdom of Lights. Though now more equines have found their
ways here, trying to regain the lands... Though the alliances bear
weakness against another, battles will occur, in hope that in the last
version one will take power. Will you be the one to take over the
lands of Desire?

Become a Light, a Neutral, or a Dark

The choice is yours, but make it quick, for the lands are becoming
more and more frail, and if one takes control and power, whom
knows what will happen... Decide your leader, or become it.

Herd (Light neutral dark):
user name:

(I will make mine if some one else joins other wise I'm not going though the trouble)
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None taken I am normaly good at doing rps (I do them on howrse and two or three other sites) but I just don't have my imagination working very well right now :p
First off, you spelled herd wrong. Second, make the text bigger I can't even read it. Finally, there are already plenty of other howrse RPs you can join.

al you have to do is highlight it, then make it bigger you dont have to retype it.

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