Wild Mustang Adoption-Pros/Cons, and opinions of others who've adopted

The feelings are mutual.
Moving on......

How are your horses coming along? I look though the auction site all the time but being foreign, I think it would be too difficult to get one sent here as they would probably kick the plane down!
That about covers it right there. I know a lot of people are against horse slaughter but quite frankly, it's a necessity. If it would have been regulated and more humane things might have been better. However, there are always those out there who feel that there should be a home for every horse yet they aren't buying those horses and giving them those homes. Beautiful fairytale, sadly untrue.

I love that you are trying to adopt a mustang. Beautiful, hardy horses. Horse experience is a necessity and it sounds like you have plenty. Best of luck to you and keep us posted!
Well put.

Wow, this is the first day I have ever checked out this section of the forum and I am reminded about how nasty and rude some people can be. You wonder why horse people get a bad rap? Read over some of the past posts and your question will be answered.
I could not agree with you more! Speaking of conformation, I'd rather have a horse with solid feet and sound legs, all of those are found in Mustangs. Why? Because without that mother nature would not have allowed the horse to live. These horses have survived because of instinct and their conformation. Good conformation! Have you seen some of the crap in the Quarter Horse Halter ring? Angus cattle on toothpicks! Those horses legs break down long before the horse is old! However, darned if the don't win in Halter, which, oh my goodness, is based on CONFORMATION!
Sure is a hot one here in Kansas;yep, sure is hot! Although without as much humidity today
Wonder when she'll post again and update us on her babies. Hope they are doing ok!
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