Wild Turkey Chick found my chickens???!!! ID & help?

wild chick

7 Years
Jul 23, 2016
Southern NM mountains @ 6400'
This is so bizarre I'm baffled. I went to get eggs this afternoon and there was a chick running around outside the chicken pen! I thought I was hallucinating! It almost ran to me, and I was thinking someone was pulling a bad joke on me planting a feedstore chick outside my pen. I've put it in a cat carrier with some crumble and water, and it was very thirsty, but doesn't eat the crumble. I've decided it must be a wild turkey chick - maybe a week old? We have lots of wild turkey where I live. Any suggestions for feed and warmth tonight? Am I right about a turkey or does anyone recognize this as a chicken? My hens are all laying and I can't imagine they would adopt it. I can probably take it to the fish & wildlife on Monday, but I'd need to keep it alive until then. It's robust & healthy, but not sure what to feed it - if it won't eat the crumble.


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I put it in a cat carrier with the food and water and a feather duster. It's totally OK with being held and when I wrap my t-shirt over it, it makes those soft peeping content sounds. I found a feather duster and it went right under it in the cat crate.

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