Wild Turkeys Bothering my Mixed Flock!


5 Years
Mar 1, 2018
Dade City, Florida
Hello everyone. I am at my witt’s end trying to figure out how do I scare three wild toms from my narrangasett turkeys! They are probably trying to convince my female to go with them. My flock free range and go everywhere on my property. They are trained to go to their coop at night! Right now they are spending all the time in their run and coop. I’ve tried scaring the wild turkeys throwing things at them, screaming, etc.,but they just keep coming back! I can’t kill them because it’s not turkey hunting season until March of next year in Florida. I am worried about transfer of sickness to my own fowl flock which I’ve been very carefull in keeping healthy. Even paid more for my animals to make sure they were healthy and still quarantine them. Please any suggestions are welcomed. I am a real mad bird keeper right now!. I realize rules and laws need to be follow, but at my investment expense?
I know out here in utah you can contact the DWR and they can help. Ive seen them do anything from issue you firecrackers, to come out and trap the animals, to even issuing special permits to harvits the animals.. (all depending on the amount/type of "damages" the animals are doing. Maybe you can contact your local fish cops and see what they recommend?
Hello everyone. I am at my witt’s end trying to figure out how do I scare three wild toms from my narrangasett turkeys! They are probably trying to convince my female to go with them. My flock free range and go everywhere on my property. They are trained to go to their coop at night! Right now they are spending all the time in their run and coop. I’ve tried scaring the wild turkeys throwing things at them, screaming, etc.,but they just keep coming back! I can’t kill them because it’s not turkey hunting season until March of next year in Florida. I am worried about transfer of sickness to my own fowl flock which I’ve been very carefull in keeping healthy. Even paid more for my animals to make sure they were healthy and still quarantine them. Please any suggestions are welcomed. I am a real mad bird keeper right now!. I realize rules and laws need to be follow, but at my investment expense?
Check with your local Game warden or DNR agent. They may or may not help you but at least you will know what your legal alternatives are.
This time of year, the wild toms are usually in bachelor groups, not hanging with the ladies. The breeding season in Florida doesn’t start until February-ish. They may just be curious.

In regard to diseases, you might want to check with your local wildlife officer, game warden, or the local rep from the NWTF. Not saying it can’t happen, but it’s probably not a major concern.

We have a lot of wild turkeys in the area who occasionally come check out the chickens (I don’t have domestic turkeys or guineas), but they don’t really seem all that interested. Do you have any pics of the wild turkeys and your set up?
QUOTE="Ted_Harrell, post: 21958278, member: 550625"]I don't have a clue what to do but just for clarification, how close are the wild boys from the wrong side of the tracks able to get to your girls?[/

Right up into their fenced area an up to their cage. I keep my chickens and turkeys in the same area. And their different coops also. The stupid wild turkeys are right in there with everyone defeating and eating.

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