Wildlife thread


Chicken Fan Club President
Premium Feather Member
16 Years
Jan 18, 2008
SE Massachusetts
In the interest of not derailing my birding thread for those who only want to hear about birds, I'm making a separate wildlife thread! :D

We can still talk about birds but I just feel bad for talking so much about other wildlife in the other one haha

Anyways, I got 2 salt/mineral blocks for the deer today! One's like beet flavored and one molasses. Gonna put them out tomorrow. And I put out some BOSS the other day. Hopefully the deer start coming around :D

Of course I'm never up early anyway so they could already be around and I wouldn't know it....

Which is another reason I want to get a game camera

Anyway, who else likes watching the wildlife? And what sorts of wildlife do you have around?
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My in laws have lots of deer and wild turkeys. My Mother in Love can't garden because the deer eat EVERYTHING. They eat a fruit tree right down to a nub.

They are around all day though, not just during the morning. They do have a routine where they treck down the hill in the morning feeding all day and then back to their sleeping ground in the early evening.

And we have California quail visit our yard sometimes.

My neighbors had a black bear eat all the apples off their tree a couple years back. The bear really are one of my faves.

I just love wildlife!

It's hard to imagine how a creator could be so imaginative with all the different designs of plants and animals! And they all survive without me doing anything.

In my area we also have a lot of elk. They are fun to see.
Wow, I'm kind of jealous of all the deer! But at the same time, they must bring ticks? And I am just starting to garden, I couldn't handle them eating it lol we tried 2 years ago and they ate the tomatoes to the ground and the peppers never really took off.

I don't know what ours do. They must go somewhere during the day but we never see them (well we do sometimes actually) or in the field nearby so idk.

We don't have quail or bear or anything here but my mom and I loveeeeee bears.

I love wildlife too! :love some people hate and try to eliminate all wildlife or say they bring ticks or diseases or whatever and I just don't get it. I love wildlife. So fascinating and gorgeous.

I kmow right!? Especially the diversity and sheer number of species. And there are new ones being discovered all the time! It is amazing!

I would love to see elk! They are gorgeous! And moose.

Here we have lots of song birds big and small, Canadian geese (though they never come directly on our property), red tail hawks, coyotes, foxes, raccoons, deer, turkeys, rabbits, squirrels, chipmunks, and I think that's it lol but we never really see most of them :( we have a huge black Lab/Great Pyrenees mix though, so he unfortunately scares lots of them off. But we still have tons of squirrels, chipmunks, rabbits, and birds. And the turkeys and deer come around sometimes, usually more in the fall when they move around during hunting season.

We have these kind of trails on our property I would love to set up some trail/game cameras, I know there is wildlife using them haha

We recently bought some hunting land in Northern MN near Canada. Very interesting habitat. Half of it is a pretty pristine coniferous wetland (spruce/tamarack bog) and the other half has been logged, farmed, ditched, reforested and otherwise disturbed over the last century or so. Makes for some good edges and various habitats in the same area.

Over the Fall hunting season and winter trail clearing, snowshoeing, firewood cutting etc, we have seen Bobcat, Fisher, Martin, Weasel, Otter, Snowshoe hare, and also heard and tracked Wolves, Coyote, Red Fox and Bear, in addition to countless various birds that we don't see in the more farming oriented areas of the state. It has been very gratifying to see and explore this new habitat and the wide range of wildlife, plants and changes of the seasons. Pretty good hunting too! (Yes, we have deer too) Fun thing about game cameras, I never would have known this bruiser existed, along with 2 other bucks using the area. Never saw them in person despite countless hours sitting silently in a stand waiting for them to show up. Need to get back up there and set up the camera for "other" and see what I can capture. I know it was tripped numerous times while I was scouting for deer hunting, but camera angle and exposure were not set up to capture smaller critters, was pretty deer focused, other than a particularly hammy ruffed grouse that would always get just out of the frame by the time the shutter opened. Watched him trip it 5 times one day from my deer stand, not one picture.
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ya a new thread for other animals :)

but as i said in the bird thread, we have coyotes, shunks, squirrel, deer (mule and the odd white tail) the odd moose, cougar, and bear.. we also own a farm down south (in sask) which is over run with coyotes (there killing baby cows) rabbits badgers, and muskrats as well as the odd mink i believe
Sorry guys, I keep forgetting to answer my own threads lol but that sucks about the coyotes! the others are cool though :)
Got these like a month ago but finally got around to putting one out lol




I figured they'd like the molasses one.

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