Will a Crushed egg hatch? *STILL ALIVE!*HATCHING!

Well the brothers and sisters have been born. I have decided to try and help him out. I have cut the tape away, and poked a hole in the outer membrane. He is peeping and breathing steady. Now that the tape is gone, that open area is exposed to the air.Im not sure if it will help any, but I figured we have gotten this far together,so i rubbed a little olive oil on the outer membrane just a teeny tinny bit. Of course no where near his breathing hole...I will try to post a picture. It looks kinda bloody and gross, but the olive oil kinda made it glossy but its not as bad as it looks. He is in there "chewing his invisible gum"
His beak is the dark/light grey thing in the middle. Wish us luck please! The olive oil seems to be working great by the way!

Good job, just keep it moist so the membrane doesn't shrink wrap around him. Hope he's close to absorbing the yolk.
How long should I let him be,without progress, until I step in? I can see little veins in his inner membrane...
I'd give it some time as the chick takes long rests while trying to hatch. A damp (not dripping!)paper towel with warm water to cover the hole...just laying over it. I'd check every 15 minutes.

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