Will a Crushed egg hatch? *STILL ALIVE!*HATCHING!

He is in the bator with 70% humidity, but I did rub the membrane down with a little olive oil and its keeping it super pliable...
So all the other chicks hatched? If nothing happens within a few hours I'd help it out. If you could carefully see if the yolk is absorbed or not, that will tell if he's ready. I'd still put a damp warm paper towel over the hole. Let us know about movement, sound, etc.
From what i can see, most of his siblings have hatched within the last couple of hours. He is steady in his breathing. I snipped a little piece of membrane away from his nostril and it bled a little. he isnt making much of an attempt to get out. Just breathing and hanging out. He lets out a peep every once in a while. Not a super strong peep, but not super weak either. He licks his chops every now and then...Im putting a paper towel over his cave entrance...
Praying he hatches! Keep us updated! You may need to stap in and offer a hand if he's too weak.
Ok, I'd wait until all the others hatch. Normally when a chick finally makes that final zip and kicks his way out, his yolk is totally absorbed.
If it isn't, the mortality rate is high. In other words, the chick knows when his yolk is absorbed and makes that final push out into the world.

My guess is he isn't ready, all he'd have to do is stick his head out of the hole and crawl out.
Anything new to report? I'd definitely help before the day is done, especially since the others are hatched. 50/50 chance. Look for yolk=not ready.

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