Will a raccoon kill a cat?


In the Brooder
11 Years
May 13, 2008
Redding, California
Maybe a dumb question. But something is making my cats disappear.

We have five fenced acres, with five dogs. No immediate neighbors. My chickies are predator proofed, but I've lost five adult cats over the last four years.

We do have coyotes, but my dogs keep them away. So what is taking my cats? They all disappear overnight. The last one to disappear was such a scaredy cat, she hardly left the house.

Last night, my boy cat, Burt, came barrelling into the house, via the cat door, just scared to death, like he was being chased. Then the dogs went crazy barking. When I got the flashlight and went out to see, nothing,...but barking dogs.

Any ideas?
We have had a coon fight a cat if cornered or caught. I big one might get a cat. I would think it is the coyotes though. They are very good at killing cats. You would be suprised how close they come even with dogs in the yard.
Sounds like a owl to me possibly. Are they getting taken at night? I have seen a hawk take a cat as well. Raptors are not very selective in their quary. Whatever is easy and available.
We've seen a coon eating a cat at night, right outside on the sidewalk. And that was when we lived in a "neighborhood" so it will definitely happen out in the country. Coons are mean
Likely a Horned Owl or a Coyote eating your cats. Both are notorious for grabbing cats. Red Hawks will catch a cat too. A Raccoon can kill a cat, dog or a man PDQ! I don't think they would attack any of the three unless they are cornered. Don't believe everthing you see in the Disney movies. Raccoons are some MEAN predators.
Raccoons will easily kill a cat, and will kill an unwary dog ... some easier than others of course but yes, they are opportunistic feeders, so they are to a degree omnivores, but given any chance, they are carnivorous.

Not to hijack the thread, but as a warning to dog owners/lovers, another surprising danger to pets is Beavers. We have them very nearby, and something that people should know is that if you have an enthusiastic dog that is agressive enough, or silly enough to jump in the water a beaver will drag a dog underwater and kill it. They'd rather escape but if it's near their lodge, they'll protect it.

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