Will a Rooster chicken surf a cockerel?


8 Years
Feb 17, 2011
South East TN
Does this happen sometimes? All the time? Never? I have a Silkie that is like impossible to sex. I have no clue. We call it he or she depending on which way the wind is blowing. But today I was my Mille Fleur Chicken surfing the Silkie, much to the Silkie's disapproval! They are both about 4 months old. Dominance thing with boys, or is my sweet Silkie baby a girl?! I never questioned when I saw my rooster mount my hens but since I have no idea on the Silkie's gender, I want to be sure this isn't just an overly excited young rooster who confused a male for a female.
I had a cochin cockerel who did this to my silkie cockerel, and I was really unsure about the silkie's gender for ages. Maybe the other roosters are just as confused about silkies as we are. lol!
Ok, so I was wondering the EXACT same thing. I have 3 unknown sex chickens.. 2 are polish x lavender orpington and 1 is a white silkie. Yesterday my daughter saw a banty cochin try to mount the silkie. So we got kind of excited that perhaps our only silkie at the moment was indeed a pullet. I also saw Dr Pepper, a mix cockrel, mount one of the polish x. Of course I want to hear that they won't mount another roo, but I was trying to find that info. Reading that somebody's roo mounted a stuffed animal didn't make me feel better
They will mount other cockerels or roosters as a show of dominance. To me, it seems like a rooster's way of making the other roosters cry "Uncle" to show them how strong he is. It really did make it hard for me to figure out what gender my silkie was; I only figured out Mrs. Buttersworth was really Mr. Buttersworth after he and the cochin roo started trying to tag team the pullets and Mr. B finally found his crow.
I was afraid of that.
I can't wait to breed some sex links that will be so easy to tell. I'm breeding them to sell. My silkie and polish x are to look at. Now I just need some hamburgs, and some delaware, and some marans and ... lol
What do you mean by surfing? I've never heard this term used before. Call me dense or old.

Pretty certain "surfing" is just an amusing term for mating or mounting. It does look like they're trying to surf when they do it.
Ah. Maybe it's the younger generation's term. I guess it does sort of look like surfing.
I have to laugh at my poor little roo. He's so much smaller than all his hens, except the two banty hens. He weighs about 12 ounces and I have a bunch of EE hens that he's trying to breed. His vent is about 1/3 of the way down the EEs back. There is no possible way for him to get the job done but he keeps trying. It's pretty funny watching him on those big hens. The only eggs that are ever fertile are my banty eggs.

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