It all depends on your girls. I've been thowing my broody silkies into the grow out pen with my 12 day old Sumatra chicks as I have no more space for broody prisoners. If you only have one run and no free range options then I would look here:

Will be a follow on article edited in here.“see-but-don’t-touch”-method.67839/

I still suggest looking at heritage breeds they tend to be reliable broodies. check them out here:

There is a great heritage breed chart if you look for their pickachicken.pdf
It all depends on your girls. I've been thowing my broody silkies into the grow out pen with my 12 day old Sumatra chicks as I have no more space for broody prisoners. If you only have one run and no free range options then I would look her
Will be a follow on article edited in here.“see-but-don’t-touch”-method.67839/

I still suggest looking at heritage breeds they tend to be reliable broodies. check them out here:

There is a great heritage breed chart if you look for their pickachicken.pdf
Thank you, these websites have been most useful and have definitely helped me out!😊

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