Will bob cats hunt during the day?


Aug 2, 2020
I know the bob cats we have here eats chickens, hunts chickens, and are out during the day. I saw one just a day ago during the mid afternoon ish. Just wondering if they are night or day predators....or both?
I've seen them at night, and I know somebody who has seen them during the day not too far from their chickens.
I know the bob cats we have here eats chickens, hunts chickens, and are out during the day. I saw one just a day ago during the mid afternoon ish. Just wondering if they are night or day predators....or both?

They are generally much more active at night, but I’ve seen them (In person and on camera) in the day particularly more toward dusk.

But they sometimes take advantage of windy days to hunt more during the day.

And I’ve seen “teenage” bobcats in the middle of the day more than larger, mature adults.

And like most wild critters, if the weather has been bitter cold for an extended period of time, eventually they are forced to move more, or more during the day, in order to feed.

But also, if one is keying on your chickens it will likely figure out in a hurry that those birds are only out pecking and scratching during the day, and it will probably adjust its habit to hunt when your birds are available for the taking, regardless of its normal or preferred habit.
They are generally much more active at night, but I’ve seen them (In person and on camera) in the day particularly more toward dusk.

But they sometimes take advantage of windy days to hunt more during the day.

And I’ve seen “teenage” bobcats in the middle of the day more than larger, mature adults.

And like most wild critters, if the weather has been bitter cold for an extended period of time, eventually they are forced to move more, or more during the day, in order to feed.

But also, if one is keying on your chickens it will likely figure out in a hurry that those birds are only out pecking and scratching during the day, and it will probably adjust its habit to hunt when your birds are available for the taking, regardless of its normal or preferred habit.
Then I probably saw a teenage one...it was the size of a modern cat

Here the bobcats hunt mostly at night although some may be sighted during the day. I had one kill 14 birds. I trapped it. It shouldn't have came back.


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usually its young cats you see during the day, they havent learned to be as careful .. make them pay for that mistake, especially if you catch them stalking your free ranging birds .. once they get a meal there theyll just keep coming back ...

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