Will Ruthie lay?


8 Years
May 23, 2011
Flora, Greta and Ruthie are broodmates. Flora began laying at 21 weeks, perfect for a barred rock. Greta followed suit at 23 weeks. It is now 28 weeks and Ruthie hasn't begun laying. Her comb and wattle are pretty small, too. She is healthy, large and loud, but hasn't started laying. Is she ok? Do some pullets just not lay? What is the latest a chicken will start?
All Barred Rocks?

I raised a batch this summer and by late August, all were laying, except one. Her comb and wattles never turned deep red and her bright, adolescent legs gave her away as a non layer. September came and went. Nothing. As October drug on, I finally gave her to my neighbor. He'll give her another few weeks, I suppose, but she'll head to the oven and dinner table soon, I should think.

Yes, sadly, it happens. Give her some more time but at some point, a decision will need to be made. Non laying pet or a side dish for the holidays.
They all are barred rocks. Ruthie's legs look like the others, maybe a bit bigger (she's the biggest of the three) and darker. She does get goopy under her vent. Might she have incompletely formed eggs?
I have 9 Barred Rock pullets that are 24-weeks old and haven't started laying yet. A couple are finally developing their combs and wattles and are turning red. I think it's the time of year. They're coming to maturity during the colder months and develop slower than pullets that come to maturity in late Spring and Summer, which is actually a good thing. Doesn't make it any easier to wait though. Don't give up on your girl. She's probably just a late bloomer.
Sometimes the final shell layer doesn't form properly, or for various reasons, the egg gets rushed through and there isn't time for the shell to be added. Does the "goopiness" look like egg parts rather than poop?
I keep everyone, no matter how unproductive, so I can't help with your decision. I'd give her a little longer, though. Try upping her calcium and see if that helps...
Thank you. There's no decision. We will keep her regardless of what she does or not. She's as much of the flock as the others. I'll take a closer look under her vent. I think what's there is whitish, like urates.
Sometimes the final shell layer doesn't form properly, or for various reasons, the egg gets rushed through and there isn't time for the shell to be added. Does the "goopiness" look like egg parts rather than poop?
I keep everyone, no matter how unproductive, so I can't help with your decision. I'd give her a little longer, though. Try upping her calcium and see if that helps...
The goop under her vent is mostly white, probably poop. The calcium is a good idea, though. While Ruthie isn't as keen about snacks as the others, she always goes for the crushed egg shells. It could be that she's calcium deficient and craving calcium. I'll pick up some oyster shells today.

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