Will setting the eggs automatically increase humidity?

Thank you to each and every person for comments, experience and "two cents"!!! Thank you, db -but I do have a photocopy of the instructions. (Although they are vague compared to you all)

-One thing I'm not exactly clear on (even if I am able to get a stable humidity level) is how to exactly bump it up to (say 60%) from Day 18 on??? Do I add more water surfaces (like a wet towel?) on that morning? Do I cover more vent holes to keep the moisture in?
I'm sorry if I'm shifting my question a bit, but these responses are so helpful and make so much sense. Thanks again

I had the bowl of water under the egg rack, and I used a sponge placed in front of the light bulb to raise it more. I had a straw inserted in through the wall so that I could drip water on the sponge without opening. Like yinepu said, you shouldn't close off all the air holes so you still get good fresh air exchange.

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